Leid Stories 8.09.23

When Candidates Have Primary Objectives  Should presidential candidates be tested on their mental acuity, physical health;  knowledge of the role of the U.S in past and current world events; a thorough understanding of how the U.S. government works;  and a deep knowledge of U.S. history?

Leid Stories 7.20.23

Questions:  ● Which declared presidential candidates need to be dumped? Why?● As you see it, what is the greatest threat to economic stability right now? ● How do we get out of the economic mess we’re in?

Utrice Leid – 4 Week Protocol

Urice Leid’s GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-for-utrice-leid?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1 Support for Utrice Leid, organized by Utrice LeidMy name is Utrice Leid. For over the past 40 years, I have devoted my life to the Civil Rights Mo… Utrice Leid needs your support for Support for Utrice Leidwww.gofundme.com Everyone can go to WWW. gofundme.com/Support-for-utrice-leid OR  You can go to gofundme.com and Serach – “Support For Utrice …

Utrice Leid – 4 Week Protocol

Urice Leid’s GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-for-utrice-leid?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_campaign=p_cf+share-flow-1 Support for Utrice Leid, organized by Utrice LeidMy name is Utrice Leid. For over the past 40 years, I have devoted my life to the Civil Rights Mo… Utrice Leid needs your support for Support for Utrice Leidwww.gofundme.com Everyone can go to WWW. gofundme.com/Support-for-utrice-leid OR  You can go to gofundme.com and Serach – “Support For Utrice …

Leid Stories 02.27.23

Catch Utrice Leid on Leid Stories daily at 1 PM EST on PRN.live. She takes callers and has deep discussions with the viewers.