Women Rising Radio: Visionaries Face the Catastrophe in Israel-Palestine

This is Part One of a two-part program featuring women leaders grappling with the horrible conflict in Israel-Palestine. In this program we visit with two leaders of the world-renowned peace community in Israel, Wahat al Salaam-Neve Shalom, Oasis of Peace in English. We learn how the community is dealing with the brutal violence that began October 7 2023 and has …

Visionaries – The Four and Loop Quantum Gravity – 01.04.21

The Four and Loop Quantum Gravity Today we look at some books about where we are now. We start with Scott Galloway’s “Post Corona: From Crisis to Opportunity.” The publisher says, “The COVID-19 outbreak has turned bedrooms into offices, pitted young against old, and widened the gaps between rich and poor, red and blue. But as author Scott Galloway argues, …

Visionaries – 08.31.20

Movies Myths and Archetypes This week Lobell talks about his new book, “Movies Myths and Archetypes,” which is available on Amazon. Lobell describes an archetypal approach to movies, beginning with “Phantom of the Opera,” which is the archetype of how a woman negotiates between key male figures, the father, the demon lover, and the husband lover. He then goes on …

Visionaries – Architecture as Philosophy

Architecture as Philosophy John Lobell talks about his new book, Louis Kahn: Architecture as Philosophy. https://www.amazon.com/Louis-Kahn-Architecture-John-Lobell/dp/1580935281/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=John+lobell&qid=1597670486&sr=8-1 There is only one philosophical question: “Who are we and what are we doing here?” Philosophy seeks to address this, but we do philosophy sitting in chair. However, we experience architecture. We are born in, live in, work in, die in buildings. Architecture is …

Visionaries – Tegy Thomas

Today we talk with Tegy Thomas who tells us about his work with the Obama campaign, MIT startup competitions and the 2010 TEDx Brooklyn event he organized. We look at how Richard Saul Wurman created TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) and the roll of TEDx. Download Here

Visionaries – M.J.Dorian. June 8, 2020

M.J.Dorian is once again our guest. We discuss his recent podcast, “14. Why Humans Need Art.” Find M.J.’s podcast, Creative Codex, on your favorite podcast source. M.J.Dorian is an award winning composer who writes music for film and television. Catch our previous interviews on past shows, and find out more at: www.mjdorian.com Download Here

Visionaries – Andrew Feenberg

Andrew Feenberg is Canada Research Chair in Philosophy of Technology in the School of Communication, Simon Fraser University, where he directs the Applied Communication and Technology Lab. He was a student of Herbert Marcuse. Today we talk about Marxism. Find more at: Find more at: https://www.sfu.ca/~andrewf/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Feenberg     Download Here

Visionaries – Alexis Karl

Alexis Karl is a filmmaker, multimedia artist and perfumer, founder and perfumer of Scent By Alexis and co-founder and perfumer of House of Cherry Bomb. She teaches at Pratt Institute.   Download Here

Visionaries – Technological Optimism.

“Technological Optimism.” We have just finished the most prosperous decade in human history in which one billion people exited abject poverty. Today the poorest people carry $3 million Cray super computers and live to their 80s. So why the pessimism? Tune in as we explore.  Download Here

Visionaries – The Economist Clayton Christensen

    The economist, Clayton Christensen who introduced the idea of “disruptive innovation,” just died, so we look at some of his ideas, and then wander off into thinking about who are some of the most important “idea” people of our time, and why they are seldom (or never) mentioned in the New York Times. Look up Matt Ridley, Steven …