Melinda Mann is a longtime environmental and social justice activist whose "peak trans moment" three years ago rekindled her deep radical feminism. In response to…
Are You Making Positive Choices in Your Life? Beatty's guests today are: 1. Anne Akers, a champion of healthy bodies, radiant beauty and positive spirits…
America’s criminal justice establishment - comprised of major foundations, interest groups, and academics - has missed a number of mammoth trends crucial to designing modern…
Research presented at the 2015 annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research has shown that women who were vaccinated against HPV had a higher…
Today I saw that presidential candidate Ben Carson has a strident vaccine stance. Until today, Ben Carson was the CEO of a cancer vaccine company Vaccinogen. Dr. Carson:…
This manual was produced as a joint effort between the HPV vaccine injured youngsters, their parents, Orthomolecular doctors, international researchers, Nutrition Therapist Mr. Frede Damgaard…
– Wednesday’s vote came just two days after FDA staff reviewers recommended against accelerated approval for the candidate, citing concerns with the trial method and…