Resistance Radio – Annette Smith – 04.09.17

Annette Smith is executive director of Vermonters for a Clean Environment, an organization she co-founded 15 years ago with Vermont citizens when a large energy project was proposed for her region. After successfully defeating that project, Annette has worked with Vermonters throughout the state to defeat large quarries, landfills, farms, and other large energy proposals while also improving Vermont’s groundwater protection laws. Annette has lived off-grid with solar in Vermont for more than 20 years, hand milks a cow, has a flock of chickens, grows most of her own food including citrus in a greenhouse, and seeks change through collaboration when possible and opposition when necessary

Charles K. Bens, Ph.D. – The Beginning Of The End Of The War On Medicine

For nearly 100 years, there has been a serious war going on between the proponents ofallopathic (conventional) medicine and those who support natural or  functional medicine. Functional medicine in the form of herbal,1,2 Ayurvedic, and Chinese medicine was dominant around the world for hundreds of years. 3-5 Then, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the germ theory 6,7 of disease began to take …

Tiny Vermont brings food industry to its knees on GMO labels

MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — General Mills’ announcement on Friday that it will start labeling products that contain genetically modified ingredients to comply with a Vermont law shows food companies might be throwing in the towel, even as they hold out hope Congress will find a national solution. Tiny Vermont is the first state to require such labeling, effective July 1. …

Cole Mellino – Third U.S. City Goes 100% Renewable

Aspen is one of three U.S. cities to run on 100 percent renewable energy as of today, according to city officials. The Colorado mountain town is best known for its posh ski resorts, but this beautiful town also has established itself as a leader in environmental stewardship. The city had been using about 75 to 80 percent renewable energy until Thursday …

Bernie Out of the Closet: Sanders’ Longstanding Deal with the Democrats – Paul Street

I am glad that the left intellectual and activist Chris Hedges does not support the Bernie Sanders campaign for the Democratic Party presidential nomination. As Hedges explained in a recent interview on the Ralph Nader Radio Hour, Sanders’ candidacy lends undeserved credibility to the thoroughly corporatized Democratic Party. Sanders has pledged that he will support the corporatist military hawk Hillary …

Pope Francis – Toward a Perfect Storm for Revolution

With Bernie Sanders calling for a political revolution based on economic fairness, I thought this from Paul Ferrell at MarketWatch, a Murdoch-owned Dow Jones website, was interesting.  Read the whole thing, but here are a few teasers: Mark your calendar: June 18. That’s launch day for Pope Francis’s historic anticapitalist revolution, a multitargeted global revolution against out-of-control free-market capitalism driven by consumerism, …

It’s Time to Boycott Ben & Jerry’s – MARK HAGE

In 2011, Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel began a discussion with Ben & Jerry’s in South Burlington, Vermont, concerning their long-standing contractual relationship with an Israeli franchise that manufactures ice cream in Israel proper and sells it in Israel settlements in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem. These settlements – fortified colonies for Jews only – contravene international law. Ben & …

Oil Can’t Match Solar On Cost, Even At $10/Barrel

One of the biggest banks in the Middle East and the oil-rich Gulf countries says that fossil fuels can no longer compete with solar technologies on price, and says the vast bulk of the $US48 trillion needed to meet global power demand over the next two decades will come from renewables. The report from the National Bank of Abu Dhabi …