AH, MY SWEET summer child. What do you know of inflammation? Inflammation is for the winter, when genes uncoil in your blood and messengers send codes containing the blueprints for proteins to protect you from the harsh diseases of the cold. Inflammation is for those long nights, when the sun hides its face, or rain clouds block the sky, and trillions …

It’s All About Food – Caryn Hartglass: Girl Scout Cookies, TPP, GMO Labeling, Bareburger, Cancer & African Americans, rural Africans – 05.12.15

Caryn goes over the good and the not so good about Girl Scout Cookies; Trans-Pacific Partnership; Fat, fibre and cancer risk in African Americans and rural Africans, Appeal to block Vermont’s first-in-the-nation law requiring the labeling of genetically modified food, New York Bill S59A-2015; Chef Ernesto Frozen Foods and Bareburger.

European Parliament Addresses the Gardasil Scandal in Europe

It is an honour for me to receive Dr. Philippe de Chazournes today in the Parisian offices of the European Parliament.  Dr. de Chazournes has fought long and hard as spokesperson for doctors in the current scandal linked to the Gardasil vaccine, the famous Sanofi-Pasteur MSD vaccine against certain strains of the human papillomavirus which can cause cancer.  A large number …

Cancer Drugs Reach All-Time High: The $100 Billion Disease that Depends on No Cure

The 2014 sales figures for cancer drugs were just published by the IMS Institute for Healthcare Informatics. Sales of cancer drugs have hit a new all-time record: $100 billion. That’s up more than 10 percent from 2013, and up from $75 billion five years earlier. Cancer is obviously big business, as many new cancer drugs and now even cancer vaccines are in …

50% Increase in Breast Cancer Expected, But No One Talks About its Biggest Causes – Christina Sarich

A new study from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) predicts fifty percent more women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the next few decades, with more than 441,000 new cases expected in the US by 2030. The study points to an aging population as the reason why we can expect such a dramatic leap in breast cancer cases, but is that thereal reason why …

The case for banning Monsanto’s Roundup – Dr. Jeff Ritterman

* There’s strong evidence that the herbicide causes birth defects and probably causes cancer. There’s also reason to believe it causes or exacerbates numerous chronic illnesses On March 20, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reclassified glyphosate as a chemical that probably causes cancer. The IARC is a branch of the World Health Organization that focuses on cancer, …


A new study links taking muscle-building supplements, such as pills and powders with creatine or androstenedione, with an increased risk of testicular cancer. Moreover, says study senior author Tongzhang Zheng, the associated testicular germ cell cancer risk was especially high among men who started using supplements before age 25, those who used multiple supplements, and those who used them for years. …

Mysterious cancer spreads among clams off N. America

The discovery of a contagious cancer spreading among edible clams off the northeast US and Canadian coasts has stunned scientists and raised new questions about marine health, according to research published Thursday. The study in the journal Cell describes for the first time the unusual kind of leukemia that has been killing untold numbers of clams for years. “We were …

Light at night can have serious effects

It’s incredibly hard to sleep when light seeps through your curtains or your phone glows from the bedside table. But more and more research is finding that artificial light may be more than annoying. It can be very unhealthy too. The natural 24-hour cycle of daylight and darkness keeps our circadian biological rhythms in alignment. When those rhythms get out of whack, studies have …