The Gary Null Show – 10.09.17

Today is October 9th and like always The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment and all things political around the world. On this episode Gary sets a large part of the show to talk about the real story behind Christopher Columbus.   Download this episode (right click and save)

Trends This Week – The yearly Columbus Day hoopla reminds me… – 10.12.16

Want to talk war crimes? Want to remind the world about a dictator, a conqueror? Look around you. Look at the leaders around us who have led us down the path to endless wars. What hypocrisy to stir the Columbus controversy flames every October, while ignoring the death and destruction America’s leaders and its allies have brought to the world.

Bill Bigelow – Support Indigenous Rights: Abolish Columbus Day

The movement to abolish Columbus Day and to establish in its place Indigenous Peoples Day continues to gather strength, as every month new school districts and colleges take action. This campaign has been given new momentum as Indigenous peoples throughout the Americas assert their treaty and human rights. Especially notable is the inspiring struggle in North Dakota to stop the toxic Dakota Access …

Rebecca Solnit – Standing Rock Protests: This Is Only the Beginning

 pioneer monument and a lot of state troopers with batons and riot helmets stood between the mostly young native activists and the North Dakota state capitol on Friday afternoon. Many of the activists arriving at the capitol’s vast green lawn hadn’t heard that the Washington DC judge had decided against the Standing Rock reservation Sioux lawsuit. That was the lawsuit …

Leid Stories – 10.12.15

Columbus: Uncovering the Myth of His New World ‘Discoveries’

More and more U.S. cities are giving Columbus Day a holiday, choosing instead to observe Indigenous People’s Day today. And with good reason. Christopher Columbus’s arrival in the New World in 1492 set in motion unrelenting waves of genocide throughout the hemisphere and ushered in the African slave trade in the Caribbean and the Americas.

Leid Stories presents the unvarnished truth about this merchant of death and destruction.