Around the globe, 1 in 4 cities face water stress, which means there’s an inability to meet human and ecological demands for water. Unlike water scarcity, which defines a lack of available water supply, water stress may also encompass lack of water due to problems with water quality, water accessibility and more.1 In a nutshell, only about 3 percent of …
Top 10 Ways To Save Water In Your Garden
Water is vital to the life of your garden and yard, yet gardeners often waste this precious resource. Whether your area is suffering from a drought or not, follow these guidelines to cut down on water usage without losing your garden’s beauty. Read more
AI will create ‘useless class’ of human, predicts bestselling historian
It is hard to miss the warnings. In the race to make computers more intelligent than us, humanity will summon a demon, bring forth the end of days, and code itself into oblivion. Instead of silicon assistants we’ll build silicon assassins. The doomsday story of an evil AI has been told a thousand times. But our fate at the hand …
Climate change may knock seafood off the menu By Tim Radford
Pink salmon – the smallest and most abundant of the Pacific salmon species, and a supper table mainstay in many parts of the world – may be swimming towards trouble. And they are not the only dish likely to disappear from the menu. Mussels, oysters, clam and scallop could all become scarcer and more expensive as the seas become more …
Pact with devil? California farmers use oil firms’ water By Veronique DUPONT
An efficient solution to a historic drought, or an environmentally risky pact with the devil? That’s the question raised by California farmers who are irrigating their crops with waste water supplied by oil companies, in an arrangement slammed as dangerous by environmental campaigners. Driving into the parched region around Bakersfield, in the western US state’s fertile Central Valley, it is …
California is Sinking and Its Getting Worse By Nathan Halverson
California is sinking – and fast. While the state’s drought-induced sinking is well known, new details highlight just how severe it has become and how little the government has done to monitor it. Last summer, scientists recorded the worst sinking in at least 50 years. This summer, all-time records are expected across the state as thousands of miles of land …