Interview with Peter Henry from Consider Bardwell Farm – 11.19.15

Peter Henry is the sales and Marketing Manager for Consider Bardwell Farm, a three hundred acre dairy farm in West Pawlet, Vermont. Peter is responsible for running and staffing nine weekly farmers market stands, as well as the distribution of their artisanal cheeses throughout the country.

Consider Bardwell Farm is committed to sustainability and delicious raw milk, handcrafted cow and goat cheeses. Consider Bardwell was also a man, who founded Vermont’s first dairy coop along with a cheesemaking operation on the same spot in 1864. The farm chose to keep the name and continue the tradition!

Peter is also a veteran of Blue Hill in New York City, along with more restaurants than he cares to remember.

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 10.15.15

SHUTTING THE PILGRIM NUKE is our primary focus of our roundtable talk with four tremendous activists. Pilgrim’s owner, ENTERGY, has announced it will close the ancient nuke by June 1, 2019. But the reactor is out of compliance on a large number of safety and engineering issues and will put the region at risk if it goes forward.

SHEILA PARKS, Boston-area founder of On Behalf of Planet Earth; ARLENE WILLIAMS of Cape Downwinder; TIM JUDSON of the Nuclear Information & Resource Service and PAUL GUNTER of Beyond Nuclear join us to cover the issue.

Among other concerns are violations of fire safety requirement now nearly a quarter-century out of compliance; spent fuel overflowing the site’s ability to handle it; a dertioriating work force and much more.

The latest shut-down announcement would take the US reactor fleet to 98, the lowest total in many years. But can we survive Pilgrim & its ancient siblings operating even another fuel cycle?

Stay tuned….

Researchers’ discovery may explain difficulty in treating Lyme disease

Northeastern University researchers have found that the bad­terium that causes Lyme dis­ease forms for­mant per­sister cells, which are known to evade antibi­otics. This sig­nif­i­cant finding, they said, could help explain why it’s so dif­fi­cult to treat the infec­tion in some patients. “It hasn’t been entirely clear why it’s dif­fi­cult to treat the pathogen with antibi­otics since there has been no …