Meria Heller – Stars R Us with Meria and Joseph Anthony – 07.09.17

 Stars R Us, with Meria and Joseph Anthony. July’s astrology; USA’s birthday 7/4/1776;feeling the insanity out there;Pluto/Uranus;cosmic rays; frequency can make you un-grounded;trump is a reflection on society; who are the real enemy? Cancer deals with emotions and the past;Mars in Cancer is irritating;Mercury & Sun in Cancer can be turbulent, tempers ignited;Venus in Gemini-more socializing? Mercury in Leo; a passionate month; focus is …

Meria Heller – Stars R Us with Meria and Joseph Anthony

Stars R Us, with Meria and Joseph Anthony. The astrology report for 2017. Better year in many ways; more positive eclipses this year; Venus retrograde in March;Feb 24-28th-war? Saturn trines Uranus; Jupiter sextile Saturn; optimistic/idealism; August a great month; Mercury retrogrades (this one over the 8th); Jan 20th-Sun in Aquarius;Jan.28-Chinese New Year- of the Rooster; indications of conflicts in alphabet agencies; energies shifting for the better; financial changes; trump/cabinet/Jesuits; could there be a major conflict this year? new system by 2024; Neptune in Pisces until 2025 and what it all means.

NDC Savings Club – Your Astrology Natal (birth) Chart – Part 3 – 12.07.16

Guest Speaker:  Shelley Warren An astrology birth chart – also called an astrology natal chart is a map of where all the planets were in their journey around the Sun (from our vantage point on earth) at the exact moment you were born. An astrology chart reading can reveal your strengths and weaknesses, your opportunities for soul growth, the …

Meria Heller – Stars R Us with Meria and Joseph Anthony – 12.04.16

Stars R Us with Meria and Joseph Anthony. December’s astrology. Fear/trump/massive change;Jesuits, FreeMasons,Protocols;financial system changing; beliefs vs. knowing;Mercury retrograde 19th-Jan 8; serious and confusing month;Mars in Pisces;good month to prepare and review;Venus in Aquarius;Standing Rock-civil war?January will be tumultuous;2017-a one year; endings and beginnings; releasing old ideas; weather; Sun in Capricorn 21st;astro-theology;Jupiter opposing Uranus 26th;New Moon in Cap; Uranus in …