The Conspiracy Guy – 12.14.17

Conspiracy Guy Show #54: Celebration over the Democrat upset victory in Alabama may be short lived, since multiple sources are reporting that the election was marred by voter fraud, including proof of solicitations of black voters in nearby-states to cross over to vote against the child molester, Roy Moore. The Alabama Supreme Court, incredibly, overruled a lower courts decree that …

Leid Stories—In Frenzied Pursuit of Alleged Sexual Attackers, Justice Seems to Mean Running Roughshod Over the Law—12.06.17

John Conyers, who represented Michigan’s 13th congressional district for 53 years, unceremoniously ended his political career yesterday. Conyers, 88, had been battling a staffer’s sexual-harassment allegations against him and buckled under pressure from party leader Nancy Pelosi and others to quit (he had planned to run for reelection next year). Additionally, new sexual-harassment claims from another staffer surfaced on Monday. Conyers became …

A Just Cause Radio – Spotlight on Capitol Hill Encore Series: Senator John McCain – 12.03.17

We started earlier this year (2017) a Spotlight on Capitol Hill ENCORE Series were we re-interviewed previous Congressman and Senators so that we can revisit and update our audience with what’s happening with them now and any new information & updates we feel need to be shared. So from time to time you will see a title that says “Spotlight on Capitol Hill ENCORE Series”. Hopefully …

A Just Cause – Importance of Re-entry from Prison to Society – 01.15.17

The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks speaks with Our Special Guests for tonight’s show are Mommie Activist Karen Garrison, who’s twin sons were wrongfully convicted and Attorney Malcom Young, who heard about many accounts of returning prisoners who, despite doing everything required of them, were unable to find work.

A Just Cause – Criminal Justice System Exploiting the Disease of Addiction in America – 01.08.17

The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks speaks with our Special Guest for tonight’s show is Stephanie C. King, who has been involved with Addiction and Recovery for over 10 years. She is a certified Drug and Alcohol interventionist.

A Just Cause – Injustice of Homelessness on the Streets of America – 11.20.16

The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks guests are Steve Berg, VP of Programs & Policy for the National Alliance to End Homelessness organization and Tristia Bauman, Senior Attorney for the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty legal group.

A Just Cause – Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill & Congressman Jason Chaffetz – 09.11.16

The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks will be Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill and Congressman Jason Chaffetz, who ?became the Chairman of the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee in January 2015. He is currently serving his fourth term in the US House of Representatives. In the 114th Congress, he also serves on the House Judiciary Committee.