Progressive Radio Network


5 Common Plants That Deliver All-Natural Rash Relief (No. 4 Might Already Be In Your Garden!)

As a kid, I used to run through this huge patch of poison sumac while playing. I often had rashes — sometimes so bad I couldn’t even open my eyes. In fact, I didn’t know why I was catching the rashes until I got older.

5 Wild Plants That Deliver All-Natural Rash-Relief

Jewelweed. Image source:

Poison sumac, ivy or oak can ruin your week fast – especially if you don’t know how to treat it. Fear not: Nature has provided us with cures.

Let’s take a look at five all-natural treatments for rashes found in the wild:

1. Jewelweed

Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) is a natural remedy used to neutralize the irritants from poisonous plants, bug bites, ring worms and even stinging nettle.

Jewelweed grows three to five feet tall, with oval leaves and hanging trumpet-shaped flowers. The flowers can be yellow or orange with dark red spots. I used to love poking the seed pods as a kid because they pop and the seeds seemed to explode.

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