Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

5G’s Crime Against Humanity

Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD
Progressive Radio Network, November 3, 2020

For those who may have watched last Sunday’s NFL games, they would have noticed a preponderance of advertisements hearkening the wonderful promises that the large variety of 5G technologies will bring into our lives. The ads tout the interconnectivity of all things and the technological miracle underway. For the casual viewer, it would seem as if life can never be the same without it. It is the new, essential and life-enhancing technology.

However, there are urgent facts solely missing from the networks’ commercials. Fiber optic technology to increase Internet speed has been with us for over a decade. Therefore, speed is not the primary issue on the table. People could have high connectivity and yet not be exposed to 5G’s high EMF levels. Nor would thousands of satellites orbiting the earth be required. No, there is a far more nefarious agenda behind 5G in order to usher in the international globalists’ Fourth Industrial Revolution. The World Economic Forum’s slide presentation, “Why is 5G Important for the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” outlines the multi-trillion dollar impact advanced connectivity will have on manufacturing, wholesale and resale, smart cities and homes, public services, transportation, real time banking, finance and insurance, agriculture and forestry, real estate, education, mining, health and medicine.

Sadly, 5G is destined to be a permanent fixture across the nation. At present, there is barely a chance to prevent it. The thousands of medical and environmental studies warning of high EMF’s dangers and the thousands of international scientists signing petitions to halt its deployment are unequivocally ignored or worse ostracized and cancelled. Despite the pandemic, lockdowns and social distancing have not hindered 5G’s progress to connect every American into its spider’s web. Last December, T-Mobile reached its goal of nationwide coverage of over 1.3 million square miles (34 percent of the US) for its 5G network and AT&T reached its milestone in July, which reaches 179 million people. Nor will tribal lands and federal parks and historic sites be exempt. Trump’s FCC czar and ALEC insider Ajit Pai has pathologized the agency to assure 5G infrastructure build-outs will be expedited in these vulnerable areas.

There are no fundamental differences between Biden and Trump for accelerating the 5G roll out. Both argue that the global race to establish the Internet of Everything is critical for the US to maintain its leadership in the world. Both are also committed to funding and expanding 5G’s high speed broadband into rural areas. Last year, the Trump administration awarded over $744 million “to support more than 80 broadband projects benefiting more than 430,000 rural residents in 34 states.”

In 2016, while running in the shadow of becoming the American Legislative Exchange Council’s president, Trump’s campaign, as expected, won the financial support of the primary 5G players: AT&T, Verizon, Charter Communications, Comcast, Intel and Qualcomm. However, this year the tides tipped enormously toward Biden, who has received $97 million from the Communications/Tech sector versus Trump’s $18 million. Alphabet (Google), Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, AT&T and Comcast overwhelmingly contributed to Biden’s war chest.

Amidst all of the hype and endless advertisements to woo Americans into the 5G dreamof electronic comforts and efficiencies, the results thus far are rather dismal. There may be more hype than fact. US Today reported that although the telecomm companies are rapidly deploying transmission “lanes,” they must use lower frequencies, which means that speeds are little different than 4G. To gain access to 5G’s speed capabilities requires users to have a technology called mmWave that permits data to be transmitted at higher frequencies. The caveat is that mmWave signals don’t travel far and are highly sensitive to multiple interferences, including walls and windows. You would have to be outside, standing still and in the absence of moving people and vehicles, the article states, to even benefit from it. Verizon relies solely upon mmWave, which are only functional for short distances such as dense urban cities and require more installations; however, measurements seem to indicate that people were only accessing real 5G service 0.4 percent of the time. Furthermore, 5G phones “haven’t been any better than 4G phones.” Or course, in order to undermine these apparent flaws, articles advocating 5G’s benefits are quick to note that the technology is still being developed. 

The only major difference is that users are being exposed to more dangerous electromagnetic frequency radiation.

No discussion, no open dialogue and no debate is permitted to conscientiously evaluate this Orwellian phenomenon. Criticisms are censored across the left-right spectrum innetwork and cable news. Yet for the older generations they have witnessed this charade before. During the first half of the 20th century medical journals and associations advertised tobacco’s benefits. Whether physicians’ preferences were Chesterfield or Lucky Strike did not matter. The message was that smoking was good for us. However, neither a federal agency or the nation’s Surgeon General exposed this lie; rather it was from whistleblower within the tobacco industry. All of the corporate executives knowingly lied under oath before Congress. Only after this scandal became public did a light bulb switch on about the decades illness and death these lies had perpetuated. Best estimate may be 10 million preventable deaths.

Everyone will be affected by 5G’s radiation. But it will not require three decades to observe its injurious effects. Unlike cigarettes, nobody has a choice whether she or he wishes to be exposed to 5G or not. It is all-pervasive.

This is a consequence of what happens when an entire nation is trapped into carelessly trusting a media empire ruled by serial liars and masters of disinformation campaigns for private corporate interests.