Progressive Radio Network

Dr. Peter Breggin Hour

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 2.19.25

Imagine a giant funnel hovering over the Earth like some weird alien spaceship sucking up stuff from the Earth below. Remember the movies with the gigantic alien attack ships hovering over cities, casting shadows between the cities and the sun? To complete the image, imagine that from beneath each hovering monster in the sky, long vacuum tubes are reaching down to suck up anything of value: buildings, beautiful parks, ranches and farms, vehicles of all kinds, and people… lots of people.  And as a special touch, dollars are being sucked up like leaves from trees in great clouds to disappear into the hovering crafts.

Who are these omnipresent destroyers of life from whom we cannot hide, darkening our skies and sucking up the wealth and the lives of the people on Earth? They are from among us, the super-wealthy and the super-powerful, those monsters we call the global predators.

Our guest today, Elizabeth Nickson, unknowingly helped stir up this mess in my imagination. Among other insights, she explains something that most people do not yet grasp — the vast accumulation of wealth created by humanity over the past hundreds of years has disappeared into the hands of the global predators, leaving the average family worse off today with two working parents than it was with one working member in the 1950s and 1960s. In other words, without all the destruction and stealing by our national and global leaders, we would all be relatively wealthy today.

For the last century, there has been an outright destruction of wealth, with unceasing warfare and bloated bureaucracies that spend while generating nothing at all. And there has been the destruction of our money through inflation, which occurs when the government prints money and funnels it directly into the banks for use and distribution to their own interests. While the wealthy manipulate the new money to satisfy themselves, its value drops for ordinary people who never even see it. That’s my own brief analysis.

Wars make the extremely wealthy and powerful even more wealthy and powerful; otherwise, they would not have so many of them. They build the weapons that destroy, and they build the reconstruction, all the while siphoning off (money laundering) huge amounts of it. That’s an egregious example that might be called the Military-Industrial-Banking And  Bureaucracy Complex or some variation of that. But that “complex” is one of many existing in every single aspect of human life on a grand scale, from the United Nations to the global corporations and the multi-billionaires — run by predatory capitalists, progressives, and communists alike — in all their activities.

But I’ve left out one of the most important ways of simultaneously ruining and sapping our wealth — government regulations. I don’t think many of us have given enough attention to this. Among her many areas of enormous expertise, Elizabeth Nickson has starred at displaying how government regulations have gone beyond all reason and now are largely used as the cutting edge of the global flattening of humanity.

Our guest, returning for the third time, is journalist Elizabeth Nickson, a literal fountain of brilliant insights garnered when she held such positions as European Bureau Chief of Life Magazine and actually knew and interviewed many of those we now call the global predators.

Listening to our interview with Nickson will, at times, open your eyes wide with new information and, at times, shut them to seek relief. But first, some thoughts she stimulated me to write — and then be sure to listen to her interview with Ginger Breggin.

Listen to this very enlightening radio show and buy her book, Eco-Fascists: How Radical Conservations Are Destroying Our Natural Heritage.

Readers can find Elizabeth Nickson’s articles at in her Welcome to Absurdistan column.

Learn more about Dr. Peter Breggin’s work:

See more from Dr. Breggin’s long history of being a reformer in psychiatry:

Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal, the how-to manual @

Get a copy of Dr. Breggin’s latest book:




Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey

Get a copy:

“No other book so comprehensively covers the details of COVID-19 criminal conduct as well as its origins in a network of global predators seeking wealth and power at the expense of human freedom and prosperity, under cover of false public health policies.”

~ Robert F Kennedy, Jr

Author of #1 bestseller The Real Anthony Fauci and Founder, Chairman and Chief Legal Counsel for Children’s Health Defense.