-As promised, you can now send an email and get a free copy of the new e-book, “Fast Spanish” written by a faithful listener and Expat Wisdom seminar attendee. Better hurry though, the free offer is only good for a week or so.
-Every day enlightened first world people are getting a plan “B” lined up as they see more and more examples of why the USA is heading down the tubes. Realists know there’s not a chance of the US ever recovering its former glory. Meanwhile, unenlightened, superficial people still buy the usual spoon fed media crap believing the fantasy that the US is somehow “special” and in times of trouble will always have an ace in the hole. Now more fuel for the fire…
-Today we discuss unknown ways your tax dollar is being used to fund, get this, mindless Latin American soap opera productions! Unbelievable but true. US taxpayers are actually subsidizing Spanish speaking soap operas that are then distributed outside the USA.
-More concrete examples why any notion of a rigid Big Brother police state is a distant fantasy in Latin America. Why? For one, there are just too many overfed, underpaid, fat-ass, clock watching government slugs with zero discipline and work ethic. What’s not to like about that?
-Many expats and gringos want to know if they can get some of the same specialty organic items and brands they buy back in the old hometown health food store. If so, where can one get that kind of stuff in a typical Latin America town and what’s the availability?
-The real story on NGO’s (Non-Governmental Organizations) operating in Latin America and the 3rd and 4th world. You may have heard that NGO’s are set up strictly as “do go good” charitable arms of first world philanthropists and foundations but the truth is that in the conglomerate they have done absolutely nothing but harm in the 60 years of their existence. Here’s a bit of eye-witness proof.
JULY 2015 -LATIN AMERICAN SEMINAR NOTICE: Make your plans today for the next Latin American Expat Wisdom seminar. Just go to thewww.ExpatWisdom.com main page and click on the Latin Seminar link for full details. The seminar will take place from Saturday, July 11th through Thursday July 16th, 2015.
–CONSULT WITH JOHNNY- SCHEDULE A CELL OR SKYPE CALL: Follow the consult link on the main page at www.ExpatWisdom.com and Johnny will help you sort out your Latin American plans.