Progressive Radio Network

Health Care

How Root Canals Could Spark Autoimmune Diseases

Are root canals safe? Dr. George Meinig, author of Root Canal Cover-Up, was a founding member of the American Association of Endodontics. He quit the association later in his career after he saw firsthand the adverse affects that root canals have on the immune system. Dr. Meinig also witnessed the irreparable damage to the jaw bone caused by the infected cavitation sites where root canaled teeth once sat.

What exactly is a root canal?

The standard root canal procedure effectively kills the tooth by removing all the dental pulp. The dental pulp contains the blood supply, nerves, and connective tissue. Once the pulp chamber in the center of the tooth is emptied of these vital tissues, it is incapable of carrying on necessary functions.

The filling materials such as gutta-percha, which are used to fill the pulp chamber, are chosen for their properties to expand into the tiny spaces, cracks and crevices of the voided roots. Gutta-percha, a common dental product, is the rigid natural latex produced from the sap of the Palaquium gutta tree. This type of filling material has been the cause for many root canals that have gone bad.

Truth be told, every root canal is problematic because once the tooth has been devitalized, it can no longer perform the critical functions of cleansing, repair, and growth. A root-canaled tooth is in fact a dead tooth. The introduction of toxic and/or allergenic filling materials sets up an environment that invites infection. Therefore, every root-canaled tooth ultimately becomes infected; albeit, most are low grade, subclinical infections.

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