Progressive Radio Network


Karl Grossman - Why Is Gas Suddenly $2 a Gallon? OPEC and the Frackers

Wondering why the price of gasoline has plummeted to around $2 a gallon?

It is largely an attempt to quash one of the most odious of energy processes–fracking–by a most odious of energy organizations, OPEC.

Hydraulic fracturing or fracking has in recent years caused a revolution in petroleum extraction. Using a new technique to split underground shale formations, it has vastly expanded gas and oil output in the United States. But it is a messy and polluting process.

Massive amounts of water and 600 chemicals are shot into the ground under high pressure to release the gas and oil. But gas from fracking wells leaks into underground water tables causing serious contamination and also the phenomenon of what comes out of a water faucet bursting into flames when touched with a lit match.

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