Progressive Radio Network

Mental Health

The Beauty of Tears Show They Are So Much More Than Emotional Responses

Science says that every tear has a different viscosity and composition. All tears contain a variety of biological substances including oils, antibodies and enzymes suspended in salt water. But how does this relate to the “real world” and how do tears have such far-reaching effects? Why Do We Cry?

Since crying is the primary means of communication for very young
infants and continues to be an important part of the emotional repertoire of adults, it has received a good deal of attention from researchers who wish to exploit the most natural instinct in an attempt to diagnose and medicate.

“There is demonstrable evidence that clinicians often develop diagnostic tools which lead to early and unnecessary medical intervention, especially relating to the psychiatric allopathic model,” said pediatric specialist Dr. Marta Gonzales.

Could crying have another purpose? These days, most researchers believe its function is not physiological, but social. “If you cry, you send a signal that you need help,” says psychologist Asmir Gracanin at the University of Rijeka, Croatia.

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