Progressive Radio Network

Leid Stories

Leid Stories - Election 2016: Super Tuesday Fallout: WWBD? - 03.16.16

No surprise, really, in how things turned out yesterday–Donald Trump triumphed in three of five states, Florida, Illinois and North Carolina; Marco Rubio lost his own state and ended his campaign; Ted Cruz remained win less but is hoping to capture Rubio’s supporters in a long shot bid to remain in the race; and John Kasich scored his first victory, his home state of Ohio.

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton bested her lone opponent, Bernie Sanders, in four states—Florida, Illinois, Ohio and North Carolina—with the final vote in Missouri too close to call.

As Leid Stories said yesterday, Super Tuesday “more than likely will cause a whittling of the GOP’s four-man slate, and on the Democratic side, a locked lead on being the nominee.” With Clinton appearing to have that locked lead on the Democratic nomination, the question becomes: “What Will Bernie Do?”


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