Tony Cartalucci – Hong Kong Gets New US-backed Party

Hong Kong saw the formation of a new “political party,” headed by 19 year-old student Joshua Wong – a young man with no experience and no explanation as to who is funding him or backing him politically. The party, called “Demosisto,” was described by the BBC in their article, “Hong Kong student leader Joshua Wong forms political party,” as demanding “self-determination” for Hong Kong – an ambition pushed primarily by US and British interests, not the people of Hong Kong.

The BBC would report that:

Mr Wong was a leading figure in the so-called Umbrella Movement in 2014, which aimed to secure greater voting rights for the territory’s residents.
“Street activism is not enough if we want to fight for a better future,” Mr Wong told the BBC.

“We have to enter the system, create a political party and shape the political agenda, in order to drive forward our movement for self-determination.”

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