Progressive Radio Network


Media blackout grows: Huffington Post pulls Vaxxed movie review

The censorship continues to grow for the documentary, “Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe,” with the online news aggregator and blog site The Huffington Post removing a long-time contributor’s review of the film.  HuffPo  contributor Lance Simmens says he had recently submitted his article only to find it had been removed a short time later. Later, Simmens discovered he could no longer access his account. (so much for ‘freedom of speech’)

Note: As of this article’s publication date: Simmens account has just been restored – but his review of the Movie is still being blocked from publication. (stay tuned)

In his column, Simmens described the documentary as a “must see” film. He expressed hope it could serve as a catalyst for a national discussion on the role of mandatory vaccines for children as well as the role big pharma plays in government decision making.

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