Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show - 05.26.16

Bonnie Faulkner calls in after hearing Gary speak on censorship and told Gary the issue she just had on KPFA. Here is what she said:

Guns and Butter was again censored by the staff at KPFA. On Wednesday, May 18, 2016, we had planned to go on live for the current KPFA Fund Drive and offer Dissolving Illusions: Vaccination Past and Present by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk. However, on Tuesday we were notified by the Program Director at KPFA, Laura Prives, that our show would not air and instead be preempted. The following is the full text of her email:

The book Dissolving Illusions is not KPFA fund drive premium material.

We will have to preempt your show tomorrow.

KPFA follows basic ethical standards for choosing thank you gifts presented to listeners, that is, to tell the truth and do no harm. Thank you gifts must be vetted for authenticity. Offering thank you gifts that contain unverified claims, such as cancer cures or fully discredited theories, such as a link between autism and vaccinations, violate basic ethical standards. Thank you gifts offering cures for life-threatening diseases or those validating unsubstantiated fears on controversial topics will undoubtedly be popular and are likely to bring in a large amount of donations. This is all the more reason to avoid “cashing in” and to hold to ethical standards.

Debates and discussions on this type of information outside of fund drives are certainly justifiable in order to present listeners with a full scope of a topic. But when KPFA offers books, CDs and DVDs during fund drive there is an implied endorsement of the information in that gift. For the same reason KPFA does not offer thank you gifts of items by political candidates during election season. The thank you gift implies an endorsement of the candidate. As a trusted media outlet KPFA has a responsibility to offer thank you gifts that are as credible and unbiased as is its daily reporting and public affairs broadcasting.

Thanks for your cooperation,

Here are the videos Gary played as well:

VIDEO: Abby Martin on Hillary Clinton’s Hunger for Endless Wars

VIDEO: Puerto Rican economy gets screwed by big banks; the same thing Is happening in U.S.

VIDEO: More doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette

VIDEO: Ex Pharma sales rep speaks the truth – Pharma doesn’t want to cure you

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