Progressive Radio Network

Leid Stories

Leid Stories—The Clinton Foundation: Hillary’s Media Flacks Refuse to See the Story—08.29.16

Leid Stories, in an extended and ongoing series, has been cataloging the highly irregular and blatantly illegal practices of Bill and Hillary Clinton as the driving forces behind the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation—an international conglomerate of purported charities that have been exposed mostly as “fronts” for the solicitation and collection of billions of dollars for various projects of questionable philanthropic purpose.

The Clintons and their foundation now are at the center of intense, and widening, investigations focusing on how the Clintons might have leveraged the high-level public offices they have held (and, with Mrs. Clinton, currently vying for) to help major “donors” to the foundation gain special access to, and favors from, the international world of business and government. On a parallel track, several governments that generously donated to Clinton Foundation “humanitarian” efforts are questioning not only the integrity of those programs, but where the money went.

Buffeted by probes already launched, others pending, and still others being demanded by Republican congressional leaders, Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign is in full defense mode. And here, there’s comfort—a “liberal” media that already has taken on the assignment of flack duty, helping to blunt criticisms of the presidential hopeful by ever-so-deftly shifting the focus of the story.

Leid Stories explains.

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