Progressive Radio Network

Leid Stories

Leid Stories—Bad Medicine, Big Money: Bombshell Congressional Report Says Clinton Foundation-Foreign Pharma ‘Charity’ Partnership Made Millions Giving Poor HIV/AIDS Patients ‘Watered Down’ Drugs—09.21.16

A blistering, just-concluded congressional report on the operations of the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI)—the highest-revenue-generating project of The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation that was spun off as its own nonprofit in 2010—charges that the former president’s much-vaunted global HIV/AIDS relief program distributed “watered down” and “adulterated” medications to patients in sub-Saharan Africa and in cash-strapped countries where the CHAI program was welcomed as a godsend for treating people with HIV/AIDS.

The 78-page report, initiated by Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) and endorsed by 64 members of Congress, was delivered to the inspectors general of the Health and Human Services Department and the Department of State, asking for further probes into CHAI, the Clinton foundation, and how former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the State Department helped to facilitate highly questionable business dealings to benefit the Clinton philanthropic conglomerate.

Nationally renowned investigative reporter and author Richard Pollock, who broke the story about the congressional report, joins us to explain its details and likely impact. Charles Ortel, Leid Stories’ recognized expert on “the largest unprosecuted charity fraud in U.S. history,” points out new ways in which the Clintons brazenly broke the law while selling the narrative that they were “doing good” all over the world.

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