Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 10.06.16

The death toll around DIABLO CANYON and the critical lawsuit to shut it down come to Solartopia with DR. JERRY BROWN and RINALDO BRUTOCO from the Santa Barbara-based WORLD BUSINESS ACADEMY.
Rinaldo and Jerry have spearheaded the Academy’s landmark legal battle to force the California State Lands Commission (SLC) to require Pacific Gas & Electric to submit the giant reactors at Diablo Canyon to an Environmental Impact Review.  The Review is mandated under the California Environmental Quality Act, signed in 1970 by then-Governor Ronald Reagan.  The reactors were recently given a free pass by the SLC on lease renewals that it needs to stay open until 2025, but without the EIRs required by law.  The Academy lawsuit is being heard in the Superior Court in Los Angeles and may eventually end up before the California Supreme Court.  
The Academy has also sponsored a peer-reviewed study by Dr. Chris Busby, which found high infant death rates attributed directly to routine radiation releases from Diablo Canyon.
Operating since the 1980s, the Academy is also a part of the state-wide push for a full conversion to renewable energy.  Brown and Brutoco are powerful, brilliant experts with two lifetimes of unique success in business and activism.  Don’t miss this show.  
 For a good time, see Pete Seeger, Dar Williams, David Bernz & the Rivertown Kidz  sing “SOLARTOPIA!” at