Progressive Radio Network

Global Alert News

Global Alert News - 11.05.16

The power structure is continuing to fracture from within. Like feuding mafia families that no longer have enough turf to exploit, they will begin to turn on each other. There are many predicting the manner in which the dominos will fall, but who can know with any certainty? There are simply too many variables and too many factors that are already far beyond the breaking point. The noose is being tightened around all our necks from countless directions. The AT&T purchase of Time Warner (and thus CNN News) is just another sign of the rapid power structure consolidation. Those who attempt to stand up to the fascist state are treated brutally, as the Dakota pipeline protesters now know. The hypocrisy of  environmentalists like Leonardo DiCaprio (and organizations like National Geographic) is perplexing and disappointing. The newly released film “Before The Flood (by DeCaprio and National Geographic) was disappointing and unfortunately only a half truth. The US military continues to bomb the forces that are actually fighting ISIS, why? Has the human race overshot the planet’s ability to support the population? If so, who bears the blame, and where do we go from here? As the battle for the greater good becomes ever more difficult, and the horizon grows darker, many, unfortunately, abandon their post and passively sit down on the bench. There is no solace in walking away from the most important struggle ever faced by the human race and at the most critical time. We must never turn away, we must never yield, we must never give up, make your voice heard in the fight for the greater good.

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