Progressive Radio Network

Green Power And Wellness

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour - 12.01 .16


The world’s most critical story is the attempt by Jill Stein and her Green supporters to recount the ballots in Michigan, Wisconsin and possibly Pennsylvania.  In an election whose popular vote was won by Hillary Clinton by one of the largest margins in history (now approaching 3,000,000 votes) narrow “victories” in key swing states are poised to put a neo-fascist into the White House.
But as ALTERNET reporter STEVE ROSENFELD and election protection Attorney ROBERT FITRAKIS explain in devastating detail, statistically impossible discrepancies between exit polls and “official” outcomes clearly indicate yet another stolen election.
Stein and the Greens have raised more than $7 million in small donations to fund recounts.  But the Democratic Party has done nothing to help, and the Trump Campaign is now suing to stop them from happening.
If you want to know what’s really happening with this most crucial recount, don’t miss this show.
For a good time, see Pete Seeger, Dar Williams, David Bernz & the Rivertown Kidz  sing “SOLARTOPIA!” at