Progressive Radio Network


Alternative Visions - Italy Referendum, Italy-EU Bank Crisis, and Europe Unraveling’- 12.02.16

Dr. Rasmus discusses key events of this past and coming week for the global economy, with a focus on US dollar, US short and long term interest rate hikes underway, and rising global oil prices. How the US dollar’s current rise is leading to a US and global bond market rout. Jack next discusses the origins of the bond-interest rate-oil price shifts, provoked by the Trump election but ultimately as caused by the unwinding of the Federal Reserve central bank bubble created since 2010. The congruent rise in US bond rates, dollar and global oil prices have set in motion an intensifying crisis in emerging market economies in the form of currency collapse, capital flight, and deeper recessions.  The dollar-bond rates-oil price shifts are also provoking instability in Europe, which, Jack predicts, will further intensify with Italian voter rejection of the Italian referendum vote December 4 and the Austrian national election vote that follows next week as well. Jack predicts a ‘No’ vote will mean a fall of the Italian government and will intensify that economy’s current Italian bank crisis in turn. Austria’s voting next week may also lead to Europe’s neo-Nazi Freedom Party’s control of government. Europe is on the edge of further economic and political instability.

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