Progressive Radio Network

Leid Stories

Leid Stories - 04.06.15

Winds of Change in Chicago?: Rahm and “Chuy” Race to A Historic Finish

It’s the eve of a historic election in Chicago, the first time an incumbent mayor has been forced into a runoff since the city adopted nonpartisan elections 20 years ago. The Windy City bristles with anticipation about the outcome.
Even as Mayor Rahm Emanuel and his challenger, Cook County Commissioner Jesus “Chuy” García, make last-ditch forays for votes,  they’re homing in on two key blocs that will determine who next occupies City Hall–undecided voters, and African American and Latino voters.
A weekend poll by Ogden & Fry was showing Emanuel with an appreciable lead over García going into Tuesday. But the poll also showed large numbers of uncommitted voters, and noted that Latinos were underrepresented in its data.
Local media, also reporting a double-digit lead by Emanuel, nonetheless are hesitant to call the race because of García’s upset the first go-round on Feb. 24 that forced the runoff.
Leid Stories listener Gardis H. Watts, a native Chicagoan who has been following the contentious race, provides perspective on the significance of the Emanuel-García faceoff and how it’s resonating at ground level in his home town.

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