Progressive Radio Network

The Torch

The Torch - 02.19.17

Tom Carpenter is the Executive Director of the Hanford Challenge. He
brings decades of experience in organizing, litigating, and policy
oversight in the nuclear field, much of it devoted to Hanford.

Tom worked as the Director of the Nuclear Oversight Campaign for the
Government Accountability Project from 1985 to 2007. He founded
Cincinnati Alliance for Responsible Energy (CARE) , which challenged
plans to open the defect-ridden Zimmer Nuclear Power Plant. Tom also
served on the Cincinnati Mayor’s Environmental Advisory Council.

Through his work at GAP and Hanford Challenge, Tom has visited dozens
of nuclear sites in the U.S. and Russia, hosted international
conferences on protecting nuclear whistleblowers and examining the
legacy of highly-contaminated nuclear facilities, and focusing on the
Hanford Nuclear Site in southeastern Washington State.

Don Hancock, is director of the Southwest Research and
Information Center, he is one of country’s leading experts on nuclear
waste. He is an expert on The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant and the
transfer of nuclear waste from Hanford in Washington to the Waste
Isolation Pilot Plant in southern New Mexico. He says of the
Department of Energy process for siting nuclear waste dumps as… No
consent needed or given.

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