The Conspiracy Guy #19: The stunning revelation that Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, was responsible for unmasking the names of Trump transition team members has created chaos in Washington, D.C., were reporters for major outlets turn out to have been sitting on the story to protect the reputation of the former president. Mike Cernovich dropped the bombshell, which exposed Rice as having lied about the matter just two weeks ago, when she insisted she knew nothing about it; now, to defend herself, she claims that it was “part of her job”! The cork is out of the bottle, the toothpaste is out of the tube, there will be no going back to the stage of denying that surveillance was taking place–and, indeed, on a scale heretofore unimagined. A new whistleblower, Dennis Montgomery, a former contractor for the NSA and the CIA, has emerged, where his attorney, Larry Klayman, has written to around 50 members of Congress to put them on notice that Montgromery has 47 hard drives and 600 million pages of information about massive surveillance during the Obama Administration, including of the Chief Justice of the United States, Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, 156 other judges, and prominent personages such as Donald Trump and Larry Klayman himself. Perhaps most strikingly, Montgomery had already given this treasure trove to the FBI and both Congressional intelligence committees. What more we are going to discover remains to be seen, but it appears that Donald Trump has been proven right again in allegations he has made that have been widely debunked by the corrupt press in the past. This one is going to make a difference.
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