Progressive Radio Network


The Gary Null Show – 04.18.17

The Trump administration’s military adventures and the rise of the Neo Cons in the Trump White House

David Swanson is one of our most important social and political activists in the liberal progressive movement. He served as Dennis Kucinich’s press secretary during the 2004 presidential campaign, and as the communications coordinator for the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (better known as ACORN) from 2000 to 2003.  In 2005, David spearheaded the exposure of the Downing Street Memos to the attention of the US Government and he had led an ongoing campaign to impeach Bush and Cheney.    David is the founder of World Beyond War and is the campaign coordinator of Roots Action – an online grassroots initiative to galvanize people to promote economic fairness, equal rights and environmental protection. His website is David and his most book is “War is Never Just” which challenges the just war theory that we may recall Obama endorsed during his Nobel award speech, and his bestseller, “War is a Lie” recently went into a second edition .

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