Did you know that about 60% of the medications prescribed by veterinarians are the same drugs used in human medicine and can be filled right at your local pharmacy?
FluffyRx lets you search for the lowest prices for your pets medication in your area with our Rx Drug Price Search tool. It’s very easy to compare drug prices for the best discounts. Our search tool shows you which pharmacies have your pets medications for the lowest prices and is accepted at pharmacies nationwide including your local mom and pop pharmacy and regional chains.
Simply load the Free FluffyRx app on your mobile device and present it to the pharmacist when purchasing your pets medications. The card is pre-activated and can be used right away. There are no fees, forms or obligations.
To get the discount, all you need to do is ask the Veterinarian for a written prescription and take it to the pharmacy along with the FluffyRx app. It is important to ask the Veterinarian for the written prescription (before you check out) while you are in the consultation room with your pet. This will let them know that you prefer a written prescription so you can fill at your local pharmacy.
Save today on your Vet’s medications with the Free FluffyRx app and don’t forget to share these huge savings with all your friends and family.
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New Series: The 52 Flow of Energy Systems.
FluffyRx | Book of Life | Living Foods | 5 Elements |
Magnets | Meditation | Kirlian Photos | Spiritual Cleansing1 |
Energy | Let it Go | Theraputic Touch | Spiritual Cleansing2 |
Healers | Acupuncture | Reflexology | Psychics |
Crystals | Yin & Yang | Chinese Medicine | Evil – Witchcraft |
Auras | Homeopathic | Sound & Music | Ghosts |
Chakras | Yoga | Quantum Physics | Life After Death |
Meridians | Geometric Shapes | ESP – Telepathy | Water1 |
Chi | Chiropractic | Human Design1 | Water2 |
Reiki | Halloween | Human Design2 | Water3 |
Qi -Gong | Astrology1 | Human Design3 | Air |
EMF1 | Astrology2 | Human Design4 | Destiny Cards |
EMF2 | Astrology3 | Human Design5 | Money – Luck |