Progressive Radio Network


Heart of Mind Radio - 08.26.17

Heart of Mind, Radio for the New Millennium, A central source for health, consciousness, spirituality and self-liberation. Hosted by Kathryn Davis. On today’s program, Kathryn offers a discussion about the nature of our Inner-net, Inner-standing and Inner-signs.

Starting with a look at Hopi prophecy of “Nine Signs” and the Hopi Prophecy Stone. And in the context of the Aztec, Maya prophecy, inherent in their calendars, for the “Dawn of the Fifth Sun… A time in which we live currently. We look at the ‘signs of our times’ with the ‘inner-standing’ of what it means for ourselves. So that we can look at the ‘inner-signs’ of transformation and ascendancy into higher densities of existence.

Music featured on today’s program:

Frog Dancing by David Anthony Clark, Navayee by Haale

Kathryn Annette Davis is a Certified Qigong Teacher, Energy/Vibrational Healer, Mystic and Spiritual Doula…

Host of Heart Of Mind, Radio for the NEW Millennium, over WBAI/Pacifica Radio 99.5 FM,, o Monday’s at 1:00 PM and the Progressive Radio Network PRN.LIVE, on Saturdays at 6:00 PM.

Kathryn is a facilitator of Meditation and Mind/body Relaxation Techniques, a practitioner of Reiki, Spiritually guided life force energy and the Sandlin Technique, a form of Indigenous healing based on Vision Quest and Shamanic Insight. She is founder of the Ku Li Sheng™, Self-Healing System, which includes a Qigong form, postures and healing technologies.

Kathryn offers private healing sessions, classes in Qigong and certification as an Energy Practitioner or Qigong Teacher.

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Events to Connect

Meditation & Movement for
Body Wellness and Stress Reduction

Restore your Vitality, Lubricate your joints & Stretch your Muscles, Ease your mind, Let go of Body Tension and Awaken a Natural State of Inner Peace
Saturdays 2:30 – 4:00 PM at:


603 Bergen Street, Brooklyn, NY 11238 – (Between Carlton & Vanderbilt Avenues)
$20 per session – four sessions $70


Heart Of Mind Spiritual Support Group

Featuring: Healing Circle, Conversations & Networking, Shamanic Ritual & Ceremony, Trance Dance, Breath Practice and Meditation

Third Wednesday of the month:

Next group meeting is September 20th, 2017– 7:00 – 9:00 PM

Jñaña Yoga,
97 Bond St., ground floor,
Brooklyn NY 11217 – (Between Atlantic and Pacific) – Suggested Donation $20

You may contact Kathryn by the following means:
(347) 480-1694

Web Sites:

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