Progressive Radio Network

Leid Stories

Leid Stories—Major Nuclear Disasters That Governments Have Been Hiding; Blacks Deliver Victory for Underdog in Alabama Senate Race—12.13.17

Investigative reporter, author, educator and activist Paul DeRienzo has been reporting on Leid Stories about the scary state of nuclear programs and facilities in the United States.

He now turns his attention toward Europe’s missteps with malfunctioning nuclear systems and the devastating challenges and consequences they are having way beyond their borders.

Black voters in Alabama yesterday helped deliver a stunning victory for Democrat Doug Jones in a special election to fill the U.S. Senate seat Jeff Sessions held before joining the Trump administration as U.S. attorney general. With a higher turnout than when President Obama ran in 2008 and 2012, their bloc votes helped the longshot Jones triumph over the Trump-endorsed Roy Moore in one of the nastiest political contests in recent memory. Moore, though, has not conceded; he says he may challenge the results.

Leid Stories takes a preliminary look at the race in terms of the potentiality of Black political power in the Age of Trump.

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