Conspiracy Guy Show #58: Oprah for 2020! The idea has electrified the progressive and left and (at least temporarily) reinvigorate a lethargic Democrat Party in disarray. It looks like she would be formidable candidate and, no doubt, in her thoughtful, systematic way, is organizing research on her behalf regarding the legal ramifications and policy studies should she embark upon such a run. Her speech at the Golden Globes supporting women who stand up agains sexual harassment and abuse was impressive–but she will confront opposition research on her past close ties to Harvey Weinstein. It would be ironic if the election of one celebrity white male should pave the way for the election of another celebrity black female. The attempt by the US to draw the UN Security Council to condemn the protests in Iran backfired completely, where China, Russia, Iran and other nations, including France, rejected the idea as completely inappropriate, offering counter examples such as Ferguson, MO, and South Central Los Angeles. It was embarrassing for the US Ambassador. Even more significant, the book, FIRE AND FURY (2018), of which I have read 3/4 to date, supports the inference that Trump’s foreign policy is more “Israel First” than “America First”. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) release of the testimony by Fusion GPS co-founder, Glenn Simpson, provides an obvious attempt to rehabilitate the discredited “Russian dossier”, which displays her own political corruption. False flags of the past are again in the news, including the wife of the alleged Pulse Club shooter and a participant in the political theater in Charlottesville. A new book on Las Vegas provides a desperate attempt to make it look as though the press had covered up a mass shooting, when we know it was a movie with a prerecorded sound track, coordinated visual special effects and an audience seeded with crisis actors–where the Las Vegas Police crime map for the area in which the concert was located shows no shootings took place that night, where, as in the case of 9/11, the government’s own evidence contradicts the official account.