Gail Barnes, Ph.D., is a technology and sustainability expert who has consulted with companies worldwide on product sustainability innovation with composting and recycling strategies, as well as navigating food safety and regulatory processes and procedures and advising on consumer insights and evolving trends in technology and sustainability. She says if we can start by making a few minor changes in our daily routine, it can add up to making a big difference for the planet. Barnes says simple green changes can also make you feel empowered about taking an active role in protecting the environment, and she shares the latest eco-friendly trends that are easy to adapt into your already hectic schedule (including: plogging, compostable lunching, autopilot unplugging).
The United States is the No. 1 trash-producing country in the world at 1,609 pounds per person, per year. Of this trash, China used to process nearly one-third of the recyclable plastic in North America, but not anymore as its garbage ban is fully in effect as of Jan. 1, 2018. With waste becoming more difficult to ditch, Americans will need to embrace a zero-waste mentality. Time, money and confusion often top the most cited reasons why people fail to adopt a greener lifestyle, but it doesn’t have to cost a fortune or take a ton of time to become an effortless environmentalist.
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