Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show - 06.12.18

Energy Medicine, the New Paradigm to Displace the Medical Establishment


Shaking up Washington’s biopolar political system — Corruption in Democratic party 

Tim Canova is an attorney and law professor running for Congress against Debby Wasserman Schulz, the former chair of the National Democratic Committee. He has been an activist and educator who has challenged Wall Street and political corruption his entire adult life. He currently teaches law at Nova Southeastern University. He taught law at the University of Miami and later held tenure at the University of New Mexico School of Law. Since the early 1980s, he has been giving warnings and writing about the threats of deregulation, subprime loans, predatory lending and the rise of Wall Street interests. On economic issues, he is in league with notable economists James Galbraith, Jeffery Sachs and Joseph Stigliz.  Tim is a sharp critic of the Federal Reserve and was one of the few law professors who consistently opposed Alan Greenspan during the Clinton years. Bernie Sanders selected Tim to be an advisor for a committee investigating the FED.  He opposed Clinton’s removal of the Glass Steagall Act and was already speaking about the economic dangers posed from derivatives and other financial instruments. He also participated and joined the younger generation in the Occupy Wall Street movement. Tim received his law degree from Georgetown University Law School and was a visiting scholar at the University of Stockholm in Sweden.  His website is