Progressive Radio Network

The Torch

The Torch - 10.22.18

Aaron Leonard: author with Conor A. Gallagher of “A Threat of the First Magnitude”. Tells the untold story of the FBI informants who penetrated the upper reaches of organizations such as the Communist Party, USA, and the response by activists to such government surveillance and Cointelpro operations.

Carmen Boullosa & Mike Wallace on the “Mexican Drug War.” Authors of A Narco History: How the United States and Mexico jointly created the “Mexican Drug War” Who started the war on drugs and why? What are the consequences for the people most affected by it. Carmen Boullosa is a leading Mexican poet, novelist and playwright. Her work is eclectic and difficult to categorize, but it generally focuses on the issues of feminism and gender roles within a Latin American context. Mike Wallace is an American historian, the Distinguished Professor of History at John Jay College of Criminal Justice of the City University of New York, where he has taught since 1971, and the director of the Gotham Center for New York City History.


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