Progressive Radio Network

The Plutocracy Report

The Plutocracy Report - 01.04.19

Vince breaks out of the rusty cage he was trapped in since last week’s show and runs his mouth off for another invigorating Plutocracy Report. He demands that people must see the modern media matrix for what it is, mind control, distorted reality, distraction and division, and our power structure has perfected propaganda. He then talks about our authoritarian, police state plutocracy and Utah’s new blood alcohol limit law. Next he calls out the new age movement and who he calls “the special spiritual speakers,” but then gets interrupted by a new caller! Vince agrees to become spiritual but only for 5 minutes as Jonny Cash sings. We open the second half talking about Russia and what the war plutocrats and their politicians gave Ukraine for Christmas. Vince brags about being perfect in his 2017 predictions now that Elizabeth Warren has announced she wants to play head sock puppet to the plutocrats.

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