Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show - 01.04.19

The demonization of Gaddafi, the downing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie and the US’s motivation  for regime change in Libya 

Susan Lindauer is currently an American antiwar activist, a former Congressional staffer and a former US Intelligence Asset who covered anti-terrorism at the Iraqi Embassy in New York from 1996 until the invasion.  She was responsible for giving advanced warning about the attacks on 911, and was later the first non-Arab American arrested on the Patriot Act as an “Iraqi agent” based upon having warned her cousin and White House Chief of staff Andrew Card and then Secretary of State Colin Powell that the invasion would have catastrophic consequences. She was sent to prison at Fort Worth without a trial or hearing, as well as threats of indefinite detention and forced drugging.  After five ears of indictment, without conviction, she was dismissed of all charges days before Obama’s inauguration. Earlier Susan was also responsible for the intergovernmental talks for the Lockerbie Trial with Libyan diplomats. She is the author of “Extreme Prejudice: The Terrifying Story of the Patriot Act and the Cover Ups of 911 and Iraq.”

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