Progressive Radio Network

Dr. Peter Breggin Hour

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour – 01.09.19

My guest Michael Fontaine is a Professor of Classics who, every time he comes on my radio show, creates an hour of conversation that is incredibly interesting and closely related to modern life.  He informs us about homosexuality in ancient times on the part of both adult males and females and about the segregation of the sexes that made romantic love difficult.  He describes what Plato’s Symposia were really like (drinking parties).  He briefly reads an amazing theory presented by a comedian at the Symposia about the theory of human split-aparts searching for wholeness.  We talk movingly about dogs and faithfulness in ancient and modern times.  As he does every time he is on my show, Michael came up with a new example of ancient literature ridiculing psychiatric pretensions.   He joins me in talking about romantic love in our time and the loneliness of young people on college campuses, something he is trying to create solutions for.  Michael Fontaine is a fountain of kindness, wisdom and intellectual entertainment.  For background on the show, see my website,, the section on Frequent Alerts, for my two new blogs on love, “How Love Can Reformat Our Lives” and “Are Emotional Disorders Really Disorders of Love?”  Remember, 4-5 pm on Wednesdays, you can listen live on and call in live at 888 874 4888.