Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show - 01.18.19

One of the least known false flag operations in US history — the attack on the American spy ship USS Liberty in 1967 

Prof Joan Mellen is a professor emeritus in literature and creative writing at Temple University where she has taught for fifty years. She received her university’s highest honors over the years as a teacher and a lifetime achievement award.  Joan has authored over 24 books dealing with historical investigations that included Lyndon Johnson and the Texas robber baron culture, CIA activities in Cuba, the CIA’s George de Mohrenschildt’s operations in Haiti and the JFK assassination. Her most recent book is “Blood in the Water” which investigates the joint US-Israel false flag operation to sink the USS Liberty in 1967. The renowned political science Richard Falk at Princeton has called Joan’s work the definitive study about the event.  Her website is


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