Once again Jeffrey Masson and I have a drama filled show about both psychoanalysis and psychiatry, and how both in different ways have betrayed the trust given them by society and by their patients. Jeff provides intimate details about his discovery that Freud, and then his psychoanalyst daughter named Anna Freud, hid the truth that women were being abused by men. Instead, they told their patients and the world the lie that the abuse of children never happened and was all a fantasy called the Oedipus Complex. Jeff enlightened me about Dr. Asperger, viewed as an authority on autism, who curried favor with the Nazis by sending toddlers and young children to cruel deaths at the hands of organized medicine and psychiatry during World War II. I add some details on the murder of mental patients by psychiatry as a prelude to the Holocaust. The recent series of three shows with Jeffrey are worth listening to as a group. They touch on the evil perpetrated by mental health professionals in power and, in sharp contrast, on the love we share with animals. Jeff has written great books on both animals and humans.