Progressive Radio Network

International News

Refugee Numbers Break New Record With 'Millions Trapped in Conflict Zones' - THOMAS ADAMS

The United States war mongering, supported by Israel, are responsible for all these displacements of peoples; you can take that to the Bank.

Please! why does everyone refuse to see the wood in the trees?
There is one, and only one, cause of all our economic woes. During the
early 1900’s our stupid/corrupt politicians signed away our Sovereign
“rights” , that allowed us to print and issue our own interest free,
debt free money; and since then we have all become “debt slaves”. Our
rights to print and issue our own money out of thin air were ceded to
private banking Corporations, thus now, we borrow all our money from
them, and they simply print it out of thin air, and charge us interest
for the privilege. Given the nature of our economic cycles, the booms
and busts, it is virtually impossible for us ever to repay all such
debts, especially since when they print our borrowings, they do not also
print the money to cover the interest repayments. This particular
economic consequence was recorded centuries ago in the well known fable
about the boy who possessed a goose that laid “golden” eggs; he sold the
goose for a paltry sum and forever there after he was destitute.

The remedy for our problems is simple; we abrogate any agreement
previously made, reclaim our Sovereign “rights” to print and issue our
own debt free interest free money.

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