Protocol to Minimize Risks of Vaccination Adverse Events

(Note: The following protocol is strictly offered as a well-
informed yet general recommendation. Otherwise its

application should be guided by a licensed medical or health
professional. No supplement amounts have been listed;
instead, follow as recommended on the product)
Earlier this year, the Salk Institute authored a bombshell
study showing that what is actually causing vascular damage
both in Covid-19 patients and in vaccine recipients is the
spike protein itself. Ergo, it has been the virus’s spike
protein, as well as the cellular expression of mRNA in the
vaccines, contributing to tens of thousands of reported
strokes, heart attacks, blood clots, chronic migraines, etc.
As of September 11th, the European Medical Agency’s
EudraVigilance database to monitor and record adverse
reactions and deaths reported after administering the Covid
vaccines has recorded 24,526 deaths and over 2.3 million
injuries. Among the four vaccines approved in the EU,
Pfizer’s has contributed to 42% of injuries and 47% of
deaths. AstraZeneca’s is responsible for another 42% of
injuries and 21% of deaths. Moderna, followed by Jonhson
and Johnson, account for the remaining 16% and 32% of
injuries and deaths respectively.
Now that vaccine mandates are repeatedly being advocated
as vaccine-related injuries and deaths steadily rise, more
and more people are deeply worried that they too may be
forced to be vaccinated. The single question is what can be
done to reduce the Covid vaccines adverse risks before and
after vaccination.

The following protocols are designed for those who for
whatever reason need to be vaccinated. We have
researched and weighed the evidence to provide what we
believe is the most effective approach to maximize the
body’s vitality and immune endurance to lessen the risks of
an adverse reaction. In addition, we took into account costs.
Therefore, the protocol is listing only those supplements and
foods that have the strongest scientific evidence to support
The protocol covers three main issues:
• First – Lessen the risks of blood clotting, obstruction in
the pulmonary capillaries in the lungs, thrombosis,
platelet aggregation
• Second – Suppress cytokine activity. Cytokines are

natural biomolecules that stimulate the body’s anti-
inflammatory responses. However, overstimulation can

create what is commonly called a “cytokine storm,”
which can result in very serious damage such as
autoimmune disorders and disease
• Third – Pre-vaccination and post-vaccination
detoxification. It is wise to first detox the body prior to
vaccination of metals and toxins already existing in the
body to reduce oxidative stress and our prime host
defense mechanisms. After vaccination, we can then
continue to detoxify as much as possible the vaccine
ingredients themselves.
Blood thinning to prevent blood clotting and the
aggregation of platelets
• Vitamin C – take with quercetin

• Omega 3 – (fish oil)
• Green vegetables – assists vitamin K activity that can
help with anti coagulation
• Garlic
• Curcumin and evening primrose have antiplatelet
• Chamomile and red clover tea have natural coumarin,
which is the basis for the blood thinning drug warfarin
frequently given before surgery to prevent clotting in
veins and arteries and reduce the risk of stroke, heart
attack, or other serious conditions.
Coumarin is present in over 150 plants; notable foods
with higher concentrations of coumarin include celery,
grapefruit, carrots, cinnamon, honey, green tea and red
wine. However chamomile and red clover are known to
have higher levels
• Shikimic acid (shikimate) is an important biochemical
metabolite in plants and microorganisms. It is also
essential for a healthy microbiome. It has long been
known that shikimic acid reduces platelet aggregation
and fights cancer. When taken with quercetin it also
effectively modulates the body’s innate immunity
against viral infections
Star anise is the highest source of shikimate followed
by pine needles and fennel. We recommend brewing a
tea of fresh pine needles (it can be any pine variety
such as red and white pine) with star anise and fennel
to mellow the stringent bitter taste. Other sources of
shikimic acid, but in much lower concentrations, are St
Johns Wort, Comfrey, Fever Few and Gingko leaf (not
the berry).

For blocking the SARS-2 spike protein
• Include foods high in the flavonoid hesperidin.
Research from the University of Verona in Italy received
attention after scientists discovered hesperidin binds to
key viral proteins, including the SARS-2 spike protein
as well as the primary protease that is necessary for the
virus’ replication. Foods with the highest hersperidin
concentration are the citrus fruits: orange, lemon, lime
and grapefruit. If juicing, include the peels for the
highest concentration. Taken in combination with
Vitamin C, hesperidin will also counteract cell damage
due to oxygen free radicals.
Cytokine suppression to avoid autoimmune
• Green tea extract – 45-55% ECGC content
• Cordyceps – A Himalayan fungi that has been
thoroughly researched for its many anti-disease and
health benefits. Research shows cordyceps help
prevent obstructive pulmonary diseases, possess
immune-modulatory effects, have an excellent clinical
profile as an antiviral, inhibit proliferation of viral RNA,
and enhances immunity. Indian scientists found a
molecule in cordyceps that binds with the SARS spike
protein and primary proteases
The cost of cordyceps varies widely. A single dried wild
Himalayan cordycep can cost as much as $10 or more.
Due to the fungi’s large international demand, it is
becoming extinct in the wild due to over-harvesting.
Most cordyceps are a cheap commercial variety
imported from China. An excellent and reliable source

for cordycep supplements is from the company Host
Defense founded by the world famous American
mycologist Paul Stamets.
Other sources for cytokine suppression properties are:
• Vitamin C and quercetin
• Mung beans – also high in ECGC
• N acetyl cysteine
• Curcumin
• Melatonin
For detoxification before and after vaccination
Several laboratories have now confirmed that each these
Covid vaccines contain some unusual heavy metals,
including nano-graphene oxide which is carcinogenic.
Graphene oxide generally is not magnetic; however
Columbia University earlier noted that when it appears in the
nanoscale as in these vaccines, graphene is magnetic. This
may account for why people are discovering that magnets
and pieces of metal will stick to their arms at the site of the
vaccination. The most plausible explanation for graphene’s
use I found in four earlier Chinese peer-reviewed studies
where researchers experimented with graphene oxide to be
used as a vaccine adjuvant to stimulate the body’s antibody
response. Graphene is very toxic. The fact that it is no
where listed as an ingredient on the vaccine makers product
inserts for physicians or on the FDA’s website is because is
the PEG lipid molecule that encases the vaccines’ mRNA is
being manufactured with graphene and therefore hidden as
one ingredient of PEG.
So how to detox?

• Zeolites — an alkaline silicate crystal. These complex
crystalline structures can capture heavy metals and
toxins and thereby allow the body to eliminate them.
Since zeolites are inert, they are readily expelled from
the body after completing their task
Sloan Kettering’s website notes that zeolites can
detoxify the body of heavy metals, modulate the
immune system and balance the body’s pH. It is
important to purchase good quality zeolites – cheaper
does not mean better or even being effective.
• Fulvic Acid – A chemical derived from decaying plant
and animal matter such as soil microbes. It has been
shown to boost the immune system while eliminating
metals and toxins. Can also help absorption of other
minerals and vitamins and has been shown to suppress
• Humic Acid – This is derived from the fully decomposed
remains of organic life. It is a complex mixture of many
different acids that are soluble in alkaline solution and
exist in the life cycles in soils, oceans, streams, lakes,
etc. Webmed states that Humic acid stimulates the
immune system against various flues (avian and swine)
and other viral infections. If you have a pre-existing
autoimmune condition (MS, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis,
etc) you may prefer to use only fulvic acid because
humic acid can over-stimulate the immune system.
An excellent product that combines zeolites (under strict
quality control), fulvic acid and humic acid is offered by
Living Foods USA at