Richard Gale and Gary Null PhD
Progressive Radio Network, February 24, 2022
Who would have believed that a world democracy such as Canada, one of the US’ major allies and trading partners, would have abandoned its citizens’ human rights and freedoms and erode into a totalitarian dictatorship? Not unlike other large peaceful gatherings around the world to protest draconian pandemic policies the liberal Canadian government of Justin Trudeau miscast protesters as racists, misogynists, right-wing cretins and Nazis. The Canadian media followed suit, as did the mainstream journalists in the US and UK.
What is not being questioned is who is behind the campaigns to silence critics of official policy. Although the entire world had access to truckers’ press conferences, interviews and film footage of violent beatings and arrests of the truckers, small business owners and average citizens, there was no condemnation coming forth out of Washington, Downing Street and other foreign heads of state. Nor was there any shock or dismay over the freezing of protesters’ bank accounts, canceling of credit and loss of licenses. Trudeau no longer has a legitimate right to criticize his strongman hero Xi Jingping for China’s decades long human rights abuses. The only reverberations have been in nations’ populaces, the victims of unsound pandemic measures, that are destroying the lives of countless people.
But there are power players behind the scenes. It does not matter what we protest – genetically modified crops, nuclear power, hydrofracking, toxic dumping or unproven experimental vaccines – there is the same handful of mega investors who control the financial interests, stocks and assets of all private industries. This hidden elite of investment moguls likewise sit on the boards of all major transnational corporations. They in essence control the newspapers, television networks, food and agriculture, transportation, Silicon Valley, private military contractors, the insurance industry and the pharmaceutical and medical complexes. One could argue that the executives of the largest investment houses – Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street — are the ultimate policy makers who have the power and influence to assure lobbyists invade the federal government to either create or rescind laws to serve their best interests. They control the investment strategies worth tens of trillions of dollars. They are ubiquitous. And they literally control our lives. Not just our investments but all the messages and propaganda we receive over the media. Where does that leave our free will and the sanctity over our body and mind?
Conspiracies or Responsible Critical Thinking?
No doubt, none of us can recall a time when the world at large has faced so many problems and crises that impinge upon the well-being and mortality of billions of people. For two years, we have been overwhelmed with anxiety, dread, depression and anger, desperately seeking solutions to ameliorate an all-pervading angst as society is completely being reconfigured in the image of those who hold power, influence and wealth. There was a time in the past when we believed our elected officials would enact laws to protect the citizenry and provide a climate for sustaining a normal, productive life. The Covid-19 pandemic and those who would capitalize on the opportunities it provides for non-democratic agendas has changed that. In its place the masters of government and industry have assured us that existential angst is our new fate. Faith in institutional security has collapsed into a tragic drama as the younger generations face an uncertain future and life loses its purpose and meaning.
The majority of people’s beliefs are grounded and conditioned upon the input and information they receive. And today that information has been thoroughly sanitized through a media that spoon-feed the consuming public a heavy dose of fear and confusion. Those who make efforts to pull back the curtain to expose the global wizard are marginalized and officially canceled by Silicon Valley and an army of faux fact checkers. Consequently, it should come as no surprise that the culture of non-transparency draping the halls of Washington, the federal health institutions, professional medical associations, and the pharmaceutical complex would spark public suspicions about conspiratorial intentions to shred democracy and individual rights and freedoms.
Objective skepticism, the ability to turn towards the mind’s faculty for critical thought, has rapidly declined in American society for several decades. Yet a healthy skepticism is necessary for questioning both the rhetoric and misinformation of “official” views and propaganda, including hints of what is commonly ridiculed as conspiracy. The word “conspiracy” has lost its meaning and credibility in the American lexicon. Rarely does mainstream media, professional associations, think tanks, and official federal public relations and propaganda contextualize the term to simply implicate wrongdoing and corruption. When used by authorities, “conspiracy” is almost always pejorative, a means to slander, and label people as loons and quacks. We are led to believe the gospel word of officialdom: the Warren report, the 911 Commission, and more recently everything spouted from Anthony Fauci and the mouths of the White House and federal health agencies regarding the Covid pandemic and the wave of pro-vaccine mania.
Very often conspiracies are ridiculous, bordering on the absurd. Past examples of politically motivated black flag operations and secretive agendas created in corporate boardrooms and the halls of government don’t rule out that conspiracies don’t exist or never have. When there is sound reason to question the integrity of a politician, health official, media pundit, or a corporate executive, it is natural for the inquisitive mind to explore more deeply the hidden motivations and goals underlying the thoughts and actions of conspiracies’ footprints. In most cases it is the evidence of contradictions, hypocrisies and confirmed blatant lies by individuals in authority that give birth to the conspiratorial mind.
Conspiracies conducted by the government, which resulted in unnecessary violence and death, are proven to have occurred and others were planned: the Gulf of Tonkin, the Tuskegee syphilis experiments, the CIA staged coup to oust Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh, and the failed Operation Northwood scheme by the CIA and Pentagon to launch acts of terror against Miami residents. Before the 2001 anthrax scare identified any individual or group behind the toxic letters, according to an FBI whistleblower, the Bush White House instructed the FBI to blame the attacks on al-Qaeda; later it was revealed that the threats were carried out by one or more US government employed scientists. In addition, the US government frequently launches conspiratorial misinformation campaigns through the major corporate media and Silicon Valley complex in order to support its clandestine and long term agendas.
NSA Director Gen. Keith Alexander claimed publicly that intelligence surveillance of the American public “foiled” 54 terrorist attacks by extremists. Independent research confirmed that in fact only one attack, possibly two, could be directly associated with the war on terrorism. The media never questioned the accuracy of Alexander’s claim nor provided evidence to the contrary. Repeatedly Obama lied to the American people about the largess of the national security state and its infiltration into the lives of average citizens, including massive data collection of private phone calls, emails and internet activity. The NSA revelations of Edward Snowden documented proof that intelligence surveillance is far more extensive than officially reported. But others can be cited throughout the recent activities of the FBI, CIA, Pentagon, FISA courts, USDA and FDA and CDC, and the Justice Department. The federal government is a vast sea of conspiracies operative at any given moment
These are only examples indicting factions within the federal government with treason to conduct conspiratorial acts. When the brilliant journalist I.F. Stone wrote, “Every government is run by liars, and nothing they say should be believed,” he may have just as well been speaking about the entire gamut of federal agencies. Examples of legalized terror are aplenty and reveal actions solely for the pursuit of profit at the cost of Americans’ health.
Besides withholding truthful claims, individuals, groups, companies or governments targeted in conspiracy theories share an atmosphere perceived as clandestine and secret. In the private sector, conspiracies are voluminous and are permitted to continue behind the backs of federal crime authorities. For decades independent voices have suggested that Wall Street has undue influence over government and domestic economic policies. Yet there is barely a legislator or journalist in corporate media with the courage to independently investigate the darker side of current events. The major corporate media therefore is also complicit in our nationwide conspiracy of corruption and criminal behavior. Our media engages in campaigns of psychological terror against society by keeping the public in doubt and fear. Something is terribly wrong when there is such disparity between official rhetoric and the destruction of civil freedoms, justice, sovereignty and constitutional guarantees now decimating human rights and the quality of life across the nation.
America is awash in conspiracy. Every firm on Wall Street and in the large private industrial complexes—oil and fossil fuels, nuclear energy, military and national security contractors, the pharmaceutical industry, agro-chemical firms, insurance firms—regularly and repeatedly engage in self-serving plots against the American public. Private corporations and their employees have settled many thousands of lawsuits. On occasion accused individuals, usually propped as patsies and fall guys, have gone to jail. But in the vast majority of cases companies negotiate settlements and walk away without remorse and are able to retain their ill-gotten gains. JP Morgan settled on $13 billion for mortgage fraud, which left thousands of families homeless. Wachovia was slapped for a mere $800 million for money laundering hundreds of billions of dollars including dark money associated with the illegal drug trade. In every private industry we discover numerous resolved class action suits with underlying conspiratorial intentions to deceive the public and federal regulators. Corruption is systemic throughout corporate America and increases with every bill to further deregulate.
A seductive characteristic of many reasonable conspiracy theories is that they cannot be ruled out entirely. For this reason they become popular. Research conducted by psychologists Michael Wood and Karen Douglas at the University of Kent in the UK, and findings by political scientist Lance DeHaven in his book Conspiracy Theory in America, indicate that conspiracy theorists are more sane and intellectually mature than our naĂŻve leaders in government and the major two political parties who more fanatically attach themselves to anti-conspiracy beliefs.[1] For example, the Kent studies showed that two of three viewers of mainstream media reporting on the events of 911 disbelieved the networks.
Now with full throttle efforts to impose inhumane policies to counter the Covid pandemic, a flurry of conspiratorial charges are being leveled against the vaccine makers, Anthony Fauci, the NIAID, the CDC and the Biden administration. Since conspiracies arise from observable inconsistencies, contradictions and obvious misstatements, the skeptical and critical thinking person realizes an official narrative is contrary to the growing number of first person accounts of deception. For example, thousands of medical professionals and physicians have now spoken out against:
- The inaccuracy of PCR testing to track the pandemic and determine case counts;
- The manner in which Covid-19 deaths were recorded, which included deaths caused by other medical conditions including influenza pneumonia and other infectious diseases;
- Unwarranted changes in the World health Organization’s definition of a pandemic and herd immunity;
- The violation of international laws by enforcing an experimental vaccine on the public;
- Suppression of data and reports of Covid vaccine injuries and deaths;
- The suppression of effective and inexpensive repurposed drugs such as Ivermectin, and Hydroxychloroquine;
- Many years of scientific evidence against the effectiveness of masks and social distancing and lockdowns;
The widespread censorship of scientific voices within the orthodox medical community is only the tip of the iceberg. If our health officials were absolutely certain that their policies were science-based and could uphold scrutiny in open dialogue and debate, there would be no reason whatsoever to ridicule, demonize and silence their critics. Rather they would invite debate with open arms. Similar to the worst kinds of religious fundamentalism that represses and engages in violence against non-believers, bureaucratic-driven medicine espoused by the World Health Organization, Anthony Fauci, and Bill Gates are determined to remove and excommunicate physicians and medical researchers who criticize their dogma. In every worse possible way the medical establishment is emulating religious institutions that have been intolerant of dissenters. We can and should have enormous respect for science when conducted in a manner aligned with its founding principles of methodology, progressive inquiry and ethical intent. But no respect should be given for any science that refuses to question itself. The medical narcissism embodied by Fauci and Gates is the face of a pseudoscience that is dogmatic, fundamentalist and tyrannical. The official propaganda about Covid-19, SARS-2, the vaccines, and the banning of safe, cheap and effective treatments is no friend to real science anymore than religious militants are to authentic ethical-based religion. The federal medical complex’s handling of the crisis has been an utter failure from the start. And now we are witnessing the larger cost of this incompetence appearing in unexpected harm such as enormous spikes in mental health disorders, suicides and violence.
Fortunately truth eventually exposes fraud and treachery. Pandemic policies and the vaccines are being exposed as a scam. Wall Street, which has only one motivation – protect its investments – is catching on. By mid-February Moderna’s stock has fallen 70 percent from its high and Pfizer was down 19 percent. The public is rising up. A dissenting medical community continues to grow. Eventually there will be a popular demand for legal accountability of the perpetuators of the pandemic’s social terrorism. Sadly, there are two legal systems in this land: one for the elite who are rewarded for their crimes and another for the rest of us.
The Illusion of the Best and Brightest
For the past several decades, cadres of aggressive, self-serving individuals in the banking and finance industries, government, multinational corporations and major media have dominated the national and international dialogue. Through a perversion of the English language, this faction of legal outlaws has taken on the title of the “best and brightest;” however, this in no way reflects their moral character. Rather it refers solely to a pedigree education and either having been born into an extended influential family or having clawed one’s way to the citadels of power. Their oath is “don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” Canada’s Trudeau is an archetypal example of this adolescent breed of privileged tyrants.
What all members of the best and brightest class share in common is a resume for being wrong repeatedly on issues that have had the greatest adverse impact upon massive numbers of human beings and the environment. They were historically wrong about prolonging the war in Vietnam and the over-inflated threat of the Soviet menace. They were wrong about Afghanistan and Iraq. Their pundits at Fox, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and other mega-corporate media were negligently clueless about past economic bubbles, the bust, equity partnerships, the subprime collapse and the Great Recession of 2007-2008. They will continue to miss new festering boils , such as the country’s $30 trillion national debt and a zero-value dollar, in the near future.
The Federal Reserve, still entranced by the immoral ideology of Ayn Rand’s Objectivism and the consistent failed promises of Milton Friedman’s neoliberal doctrine, were unable to predict the 2008 financial collapse and the crisis in bank solvency. None foresaw the immense consequences in the genius of their blindness, which led to the evisceration of millions of Americans’ livelihood and hopes for a better future. Perhaps a better future is too strong a sentiment. Rather hopes for simple survival. Or, as some have suspected, the collapse was predicted all along and orchestrated for the benefit of the oligarchic class. Obama and the Bright Boys have systematically achieved historical high points in reaching the nation’s lowest moments: 50 million Americans and 17 million children in poverty, 48 million on food stamps with 37% who are the working poor. The 2008 economic collapse cost over $20 trillion globally. Millions of people lost their homes, lost jobs, children fell deeper into hunger. According to some figures 53 million people entered the poverty ranks.[2] During the incompetent handling of the Covid pandemic during Trump’s and now Biden’s first year, those below the poverty threshold has increased by four million.
Since higher moral and spiritual values have no role in neoliberal capitalism, nor will it in the forthcoming Great Reset, history needs to be rewritten to redefine the best and brightest. The irony is that the best and brightest are the outlaws—Chris Hedges, Cornel West, Peter McCullough, Robert Kennedy Jr. and thousands of others—who are marginalized, absent from major media and barred from government, corporate citadels and, in general, any decision-making
Armies of Drones Serving the One Percent
Many commentators, historians and political analysts have predicted a rising revolt, demonstrations and protests aimed at the federal government and the large transnational corporations that enact solely upon their own ambitions. World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab has been very clear that the Great Reset’s implementation will foment revolt. Schwab’s stakeholder elites’ coat-of-arms deservingly should be an emblazoned buzzard, scavengers without allegiance to human societies and who solely feed their self-interest on the carcasses of others. The WEF can count Trudeau, Boris Johnson, Germany’s Merkel, Blackrock’s Larry Fink, Bill Gates, Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales and Al Gore, among its birds of prey. Their penchant for Machiavellian duplicity, myopic vision — wreaking from the stench of rotting hubris — has consistently failed to predict a litany of economic, political and social crises over the decades. They continue to deny, or at best misunderstand, the negative consequences of their unmitigated greed and quest for power. And in short, they don’t care. Are we to believe that Wall Street didn’t see the eventual collapse of Moderna’s and Pfizer’s stock after the FDA failed in its efforts to stall disclosure of Covid vaccine data for 55 years? Did they honestly fail to foresee the crises in equity partnership, credit card and commercial real estate bubbles? Are we to assume the presidents and chairmen of the largest banks—Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Citicorps, JP Morgan—didn’t realize their casino investments would expel 3.4 million people from their homes, thereby allowing banks to become among the nation’s largest landlords?
It is unrealistic to frame the problem of control and socio-economic manipulation as a war between the 1 and the 99. The 1 percent cannot achieve its goals without the support from armies of technocrats and workforces willing to sacrifice moral values to secure careers in corporations and political parties regardless of the inhumane ruthlessness behind their undemocratic agendas. In his book about the American atrocities committed during the Vietnam War, Kill Anything That Moves, Nick Turse documents stories of soldiers’ crimes against humanity simply by following orders higher up the chain of command. The analogy can be made for the employees of Koch Brothers’ industries who repeatedly pollute the environment, the researchers in Monsanto’s experimental farms, the hordes of mercenaries and military goons employed by private security companies with government contracts, and the thousands of computer programmers in security firms enabling the government to spy on Americans unconstitutionally. Although the banking lords at Goldman Sachs—Lloyd Blankfein, Gary Cohn and John Weinberg—are the brains and eyes of the “vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity,” the investment bank has 32,600 employees eager to be the foot soldiers to increase its nearly $1 trillion in assets. Hannah Arendt’s banality of evil is indeed alive and well in the halls of corporate finance.
The private industrial complexes Too Big to Fail corporations require minions of technocrats and employees and a large network of contracted small business, advisors and consultants, in order to exert control over the population. Therefore, realistically we should be speaking about a 10 or 15 versus 85 to 90 percent in the war on inequality, control and power.
Weighing upon America’s domestic social struggle only as an economic class war misses the significance of a parallel morality play for power. The 1 percent can best be understood in relation to the massive army of human resources that protect and secure its control. TARP and back door bank bailouts, presidential police state agendas, exponential growth in the cybersecurity and intelligence industries, the ever-growing military industrial complex, Big Ag, Big Pharm, and Big Tech would not be possible without tens of millions of people keeping government and corporate corruption alive. When we add this support base to the greed and narcissism that frames the 1 percent, we realize the psychopathology extends far beyond the elite alone.
When we include approximately 45 million people, or 15 percent of the US population, into the formula for who controls the major stakes of power, wealth, influence and policy making today, we can more easily understand how the psychology of “group think” creates a protective shield around the power brokers calling the shots. When the psychologist Irving Janis first coined the term “groupthink”, he referred to a collective weakening of an individual’s “mental efficiency, reality testing and moral judgment” through pressure to stick with the corporate plan.[3] Among the characteristics common to groupthink, which enable the privileged elite to exert compliance to their mission without dissent, is a false belief in the inherent morality of their jobs. For example, during the past year, when government tells us repeatedly that we have a moral duty to sacrifice for our neighbor collectively by getting vaccinated and herd immunity will eventually be reached, nobody is questioning whether there is any proof to support a mad rush to the vaccination lines. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, the Covid vaccines do not prevent SARS-2 infection, transmission and immunity is very short lived. Yet the persistent myth parroted by Biden and the media is the exact opposite and the majority of Americans in unison still embrace this illusion.
Groupthink also generates an “illusion of invulnerability,” an insincere and narrow confidence that enables workers to take extreme risks and a distorted group rationalization to deny facts to the contrary of their optimism. Other characteristics include stereotyping enemies, managerial pressure on nonconformists, and self-censorship of doubts within the organization. An illusion of unanimity is sustained whereby the image is created and perpetuated that the majority agree with the organization’s purpose and mission.[4]
Without the possibility of a national groupthink now serving the most powerful hyper-individualism of the 1 percent, covering their eyes from observing their destructive acts leading to the further deterioration of social life would be far more democratic, just and free today. And it is this new economic and political atmosphere that is giving birth to a new face of fascism.
Elitist Control over Society
Shortly before his assassination in 1881, President James Garfield stated, “Whoever controls the value of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce. And when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled one way or another by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate.”
Today, the banking elite own the lives of millions of Americans by imprisoning them in debt. The majority of this debt, in the form of mortgages and outstanding home equity, student and auto loans, credit cards, etc. is money owed to the banking industry. It is by keeping citizens in debt slavery, and securing government allegiance and protection to extract money from citizens, that enables bankers to control the economy.
Asking who are those seated in the higher echelons at the Council of Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission or the World Economic Forum is the wrong question. We know who they are. Rather we should be asking ourselves how and why these people think and act the way they do. What are the underpinning psychologies and attributes driving their motivations for increasing their wealth and power? How do we explain why Obama appointed die-hard loyalists from the Clinton cabal to many of his administration’s cabinet positions, the very same people who have been repeatedly accused as the architects of the 2007-2008 recession?
The power and influence of individual citizens in the electorate boils down fundamentally to a measly vote. Yet the limited power at the voting booth doesn’t assure unconditional loyalty to a candidate. And since the average American voter is not privy to back door meetings and private conversations between the Best and Brightest over secure communication lines, voters are only appendages, a necessary nuisance, for a candidate’s election. If the votes don’t add up in a candidate’s favor, there are always extreme loyalists willing to steal an election.
Many speculate on who or what might control the largest stake in governing the globalization of the planet. There is no single leviathan acting like a secret society that wraps its tentacles around global economics and the human community. Rather what we face is a shared collective unconsciousness that praises greed, wealth, and power above all else among the commanders of private industry, finance and government Political ideologies of foreign affairs and domestic policies are irrelevant. The transnational elite hold no scruples against funding their worst enemies in order to buy their cooperation or silence. For example, while the Koch Brothers undoubtedly abhor PBS’ social platform and feel more at home with the Fox News Network, they have no reservations about donating $23 million to public broadcasting to assure public criticism against them and their phony think tanks are anathema to their airwaves.
In every institution, multiple tiers exist, each with its own power base, yet all are mandated to play by the institution’s rules. Only after an individual threatens to upset order from within, is he or she redacted and expunged. An executive can be a card carrying Democrat or Republican, a fundamentalist Christian or atheist. Outside affiliations don’t matter and sharing personal views on politics or religion is what passes for diversity in corporate culture.
There are generally six tiers for every large corporation and bank, each functioning in groupthink to sustain the wealth and power of those at the top. First there are the policymakers, the upper executive community of elite who ultimately drive the company and strategize in the dark corners with other elite members of the oligarchy. Below them are opinion leaders and high-level technocrats. Opinion leaders are the public face of a corporation who provide the rationale for the policy makers. A corporation can’t function without high-level technocrats. These are the architects who design and detail the policymakers’ blueprints. They include the lawyers and managers who implement policies from above to assure the firm progresses towards its goals. Next are the functionaries, those bureaucrats responsible for undertaking the research to support the blueprints and determine strengths and weaknesses in the plan. Below them are the worker bees, the administrative support who execute orders. Finally, above them all is the board, the alpha policymakers. Their only concern is that the company adds value and benefit to their financial assets and careers. These individuals operate in a specter of amorality. The mandate is to increase their coffers and power, and may include breaking the law if necessary. Their job is bound only to profit.
Consequently, the mega-corporations have a history of serial offenses, violating scores of regulatory laws and engaging in illegal business activities. Some corporations, such as Pfizer and Merck, have been fined billions of dollars, but this apparent loss is already built into the budgeting to assure revenues outweigh the costs of criminal behavior.
Corporate groupthink between all tiers keeps dissent out of the corporate DNA programming. Those who whistle blow or express opposition are led to the door. It is this self-perpetuating environment of blind loyalty, the dumbing down of critical thought and the need to remain amoral towards the company’s business that generates social epigenetic programming of employees. While workers may not be expected to respect a corporation’s chairman or CEO, it is the position of the chairman and CEO that is to be respected and held in high esteem. Similarly, people may have no respect whatsoever for whoever sits in the White House, but they continue to respect the presidency as an institution. Chairman, CEO, President, Prime Minister, these are nothing but brands in today’s economic and political culture.
Americans have become experts at buying a brand regardless of the product’s quality and actual value. The political and private institutions are masterful at branding and devising slogans to sustain loyalty and win new converts. That is what corporations, banks and political parties do. Politicians are especially skilled in the psychological art of slogans. God is on our side. Freedom and democracy. A freedom-loving people. The US is the best country in the world. Bill Clinton was perhaps the most branded president, and the Clinton brand continues to serve Hillary’s and Chelsea’s political and social significance despite his tarnished reputation.
Today, economic and political control over nations and resources is an ever-expanding partnership, a feedback loop among hierarchical cabals of wealth and influence that feed off all who are outcast from this group. They are lions and hyenas, each a predator of the other, but nevertheless gorging together on dying citizens who only demand democratic freedom and the opportunities to live independent from the scavengers of government and the corporate regime.
The Psychopathology of the Ruling Class
There are varying figures predicting the percent of psychopathology among high level financial and corporate executives. In the general population, approximately 1% can be clinically diagnosed with sociopathic and psychopathic disorders. However, for the wealthy and power elite, estimates are higher. The Canadian psychiatrist Dr. Robert Hare estimates that 4 percent of corporate executives are sociopathic. Sherri DeCoveny, a former high powered investment banker, believes it is as high as 10 percent, and figures from psychological surveys in the UK have it higher. Psychologist Clive Boddy has argued that the psychopathological behavior of financial executives was a major cause for the 2008 economic collapse. He also notes that individuals with the strongest psychopathic tendencies are those who tend to be promoted fastest.
In a survey of 500 senior executives in the US and UK, 26 percent observed firsthand wrongdoing in the workplace and 24 percent believed that it was necessary for professionals in the financial sector to engage in unethical and even illegal conduct in order to be successful. Sixteen percent said they would commit insider trading if they were certain they could get away with it. And 30 percent said that the pressures of compensation plans were an incentive to break the law.
The vice president of the National Association of Chiefs of Police, Jim Kouri has collected data on personality traits common to specific professions. He focused on the characteristics of superficial charm, an exaggerated sense of self worth, glibness and lying, lack of remorse, and a thrill in manipulating others. Kouri observed these to be common traits to psychopathic killers; however, he also detected they were frequently shared by many politicians.
Investigations into many financial firms and corporations, such as Enron, AIG, MF Global, HSBC bank, Pfizer, Merck, Glaxo and many others, have found widespread, systemic chicanery. In an article appearing in the UK’s Independent, a senior UK investment banker stated, “At one major investment bank for which I worked, we used psychometric testing to recruit social psychopaths because their characteristics exactly suited them to senior corporate finance roles.”[5] We can also be reminded of the former Goldman Sach’s employee, Greg Smith noting the disturbing psychological characteristics he exhibited by his bank colleagues.
Research at Vanderbilt University has shown that psychopaths can have a dopamine abnormality that generates a drive for reward at any cost and to ignore risks. Such is the drive of the denizens of global banking surrounding presidents — the Tim Geithners, Larry Summers, Floyd Blankfeins, Larry Finks and Jaimie Dimonds of the world. The problems humanity faces with a transnational elite pulling the strings of power and siphoning the nation’s wealth of populations and nations, who support equally psychopathological political candidates, to further advance their diseased agendas is dire. There is no horizon to the wealth and power they strive to reach.
Big Investment as the New “Nations” of Global Dominance
In early 2013, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich Switzerland conducted the most thorough analysis of the financial ties between over 43,000 transnational banks and corporations. This was the first empirical study to identify a network where global power and wealth is most heavily concentrated. Their startling results observed that a small fraction of 147 super companies, largely investment houses in the top tier, controlled over 40 percent of the entire transnational network, and below them an additional 36 million companies. Predictably, almost all of the 147 super companies were financial institutions, among the top being the Vanguard Group, Blackrock, State Street, Capital Group, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, and Bank of New York. With financial instruments of speculative trading insufficient to satisfy greed, such companies have every incentive to move into new territory, particularly resources and services that are essential to life, such as fuel, water, food and minerals.
The prediction can be suggested that with current trends, the largest global banks will become the world’s most powerful “nations,” acting with complete autonomy outside international laws applied to sovereign states. As corporate groupthink increases and infiltrates the larger civilian community, so will the transnationalist mind as the breeding ground of psychopathology.
Despite the many crises facing the world today, we are given the promise that, “you will own nothing and be happy.” Klaus Schwab and many captains of government and private industry who embrace the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset are determined to usher a new normal narrative globally. Unless people better understand the interrelationships between all the power bases in America and the world at large, they will wake up one day and realize they have lost their individuality and personal sovereignty over their lives. They will have unknowingly sold themselves to their new rulers.
[1] Kevin Barrett, “New Studies: Conspiracy Theorists Sane; Government Dupes Crazy, Hostile,” Press TV, July 12, 2013.
[2] Brian Moench. “Death by Corporation, Part lI: Companies as Cancer Cells,” Truthout. July 2013.
[3] BATR. “Groupthink in Service of Government,” BATR. August 4, 2013
[4] BATR. Ibid.
[5] Brian Basham, “Beware Corporate Psychopaths—They are Still Occupying Positions of Power,” The Independent. December 29, 2011.–they-are-still-occupying-positions-of-power-6282502.html