Progressive Radio Network

Dr. Peter Breggin Hour

The Dr. Peter Breggin Hour - 03.02.22

COVID-19 and Global Warming: The Powers Aligned Against Us 

Patrick Wood is a science-based critic of Sustainable Development, the Green Economy, UN Agenda 21, and Technocracy.  We also discuss global warning and agree that the much greater threat is probably global cooling and a mini-ice age. He is a strong proponent of freedom of speech. (See 

 The people supporting these deadly agendas and suppressing free speech are largely the same as those using COVID-19 to destroy the economies of the world I to prepare for the Great Reset.  He makes a powerful case for their intentional destruction of our economies, at the cost of human life, in order to “build back better.”  I take the theme into an area he has also explored:  How much these global predators are filled with hatred toward humans and want to see a smaller number of us alive for their good and the good of the planet.  A fast moving yet thoughtful exploration of the powers aligned against us.   A final thought:  People cannot be “objective” about other people.  Something in us connects us passionately to others and if we don’t love or care about them we easily hate them.