President Biden Embraces the New World Order
On March 21, Biden told the Business Roundtable that it’s time for the “New World Order” to be led by America’s corporate heads. Really! The New World Order? The discredited conspiracy theory? Without a guest, Dr. Breggin dives into this news, investigating “Who is the Business Roundtable?” The Business Roundtable consists of approximately 200 Presidents and CEOs of America’s top corporations. Sampling a few of the A’s, we find Abbot, Aflac, Amazon, American Express, Apple, and AT&T. The B’s include Bank of America, Bayer USA, and Best Buy. McDonalds, Microsoft, and JPMorgan Chase, come up, too. Did Joe offend this august group? To the contrary, Dr. Breggin discloses that these powerhouse presidents and CEOs in 2019 went woke and changed their written priorities from their stockholders to “all our stakeholders,” the theme of Klaus Schwab, his World Economic Forum, and his Great Reset, the Great Reset being nothing more than a polished-up substitute for New World Order. One year after announcing their alignment with the global predators, during COVID-19, the Business Roundtable supported vaccines above all things. Our lives depend on knowing about and exposing these global predators in our midst.
Then Dr. Breggin gives a fresh look at the war against Ukraine, and you will be further shocked by the role of Schwab and his Great Reset in that war, with startling information about Zelensky, who is a member of Schwab’s World Economic Forum and who was inspired by another WEF member, Trudeau, to go into politics. Dr. Breggin untangles the web of deceit and corruption surrounding the war.
The globalists are real, and they keep coming for us, with more and more intensity. And as Biden confirmed, there is a New World Order, and the global predators are running it.
Dr. Breggin’s book (written with his wife Ginger Breggin) is COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey. Available for a special discount at, the book is a foundational guide to understanding the international power brokers who want to run our world.