Progressive Radio Network

Progressive Commentary Hour

The Progressive Commentary Hour - 06.14.22

Dr. Bruce Levine is a clinical psychologist how writes about the intersection of society, culture and politics with psychology. He has earned a name for himself as an insightful critic of psychiatry and our health system’s reliance upon psychiatric drugs to treat mental disorders. Dr. Levine sits on several advisory boards including the journal Ethical Human Psychology and Psychiatry, the National Center for Youth Law and the Icarus Project, which is dedicated to safely weening people off dependence upon psychiatric drugs. His articles frequently appear online in Counterpunch, Truthout, Salon, Mad in America, and Oped News, and he has been interviewed and published by the New York Times, the Ecologist and numerous other magazines. Bruce has authored about five books. His latest, which was just release is: “A Profession Without Reason: The Crisis of Contemporary Psychiatry, Untangled and Solved by Spinoza, Freethinking and Radical Enlightenment’ — which takes a hard look at modern psychiatry’s systemic failures and proposes that the philosophy of the 17th century thinker Baruch Spinoza may offer explanations to understand psychiatry’s intrinsic flaws. Dr Levine’s website is