Progressive Radio Network

Gary Null Show

The Gary Null Show - 10.05.22


  1. Unpayable Debt & Deadly Vax Causing Hell on Earth – Ed Dowd – start 6:30 -20:00
  2. What Greta Thunberg does not understand about climate change | Jordan Peterson – 7:09
  3. Gary Null – Speaks to U.N. on Earth Day (Part 2 of 2) – 9:30
  4. Neil Oliver: ‘By taking back control of the money we can begin regaining control of our world’ 

Breast health linked to eating peanut butter and nuts

Washington University School of Medicine, September 27, 2022

By eating more peanut butter during their high school years, girls could be improving their breast health in adulthood, according to a US study published recently in the journal Breast Cancer Research and Treatment.

Dr. Graham Colditz, of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, and colleagues found that girls aged 9 to 15 who ate peanut butter and nuts twice a week were 39% less likely to develop benign breast disease by the age of 30 than girls who did not.

Benign breast disease includes lumps or tender spots that turn out to be fibrous tissue and/or cysts, as well as other conditions like hyperplasia, an overgrowth of the cells that line the ducts in the glandular breast tissue. Although benign breast disease is not cancerous, it can raise the risk of developing breast cancer later in life.

For their study, he and his colleagues looked at health data on over 9,000 American schoolgirls recruited to The Growing Up Today Study.  The data also included reports from the girls between when they were 18 to 30 years old, that indicated whether they had ever been diagnosed with biopsy-confirmed benign breast disease.

When they compared the two sets of data, the researchers found that participants who had eaten peanut butter or nuts twice a week were 39% less likely than peers who never ate those foods to receive a diagnosis for benign breast disease.

The data suggest pulse foods – soy and other beans and lentils – and corn may also be linked to reduced risk of benign breast disease, but because they did not feature as much in the diets of these girls, the evidence was not so strong.And they concluded that “consumption of vegetable protein, fat, peanut butter, or nuts by older girls may help reduce their risk of BBD [benign breast disease] as young women.”

Pine bark extracts may help curb age-related muscle loss; Study

D’Annunzio University (Italy), September 28, 2022

Supplements containing the French maritime pine bark extract Pycnogenol may help stabilize muscle loss, support muscular function, and boosts daily muscle endurance, says a new study.

Data from a study with 64 healthy seniors aged 70-78 indicated that 150 mg per day of Pycnogenol may improve muscle function and endurance in a range of everyday activities, from carrying items to climbing stairs and walking.

Results published in Minerva Ortopedica e Traumatologica also indicated that supplementation with the pine bark was associated with a reduction in oxidative stress of 14%. Oxidative stress is reportedly a common measurement of sarcopenia which prevents the body from normal detoxifying and repair.

“Supplementation with Pycnogenol – suppressing the excess in oxidative stress and controlling muscular pain and fatigue – possibly in association with some specific protein and vitamins supplementation, may produce faster muscular replacement and muscular remodeling improving physical functions and fitness. In this study, muscle loss appeared to be controlled and reduced,” wrote the authors from Irvine3 Labs and D’Annunzio University in Italy.


Muscle loss is a natural part of aging, and researchers have estimated that, after the age of 50, we lose 1-2% of our muscles each year. Strength declines as well, at a rate of 1.5% per year beginning at 50 years and accelerating to 3% after the age of 60.

Results showed that the pine bark group experienced greater muscular function and endurance in daily tasks such as carrying items (4-5 lbs) (71% improvement versus 23% in the control group), climbing stairs (52 % improvement versus 20% in the control ground) and distance walked (38% improvement versus 17% in the control group).

Supplementation with Pycnogenol was also associated with reduced proteinuria – the presence of protein in urine which, with normal kidney function, can indicate waste from muscle erosion – by 40%.

In addition, individuals who took the pine bark extract supplements demonstrated improved general fitness scores by more than 46% in comparison with the control group.

Study links prenatal phthalate exposure to reduced childhood lung function

Barcelona Institute for Global Health, October 3, 2022

A study led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) has found that exposure to phthalates in the womb is associated with reduced lung function during childhood. The findings of the study, published in Environmental Pollution, support the European Union’s current restrictions on the use of these substances

Phthalates are chemical compounds that are widely used as plasticizers, as well as in lacquers and varnishes. They are found in a wide variety of consumer products, ranging from toys to food packaging, clothing, detergents, cosmetics, solvents, etc. Over time, phthalates in these products leach into the surrounding environment—for example, into the air, dust and food—making them virtually ubiquitous. Moreover, human exposure to phthalates starts as early as in utero, given that these compounds are able to cross the placental barrier. Phthalates act as endocrine disruptors and have been associated with numerous developmental and reproductive health problems.

“Research has consistently found that gestational phthalate exposure is associated with increased risk of childhood asthma, but the evidence on its possible association with lung function is scarce and unclear,” explained ISGlobal researcher Magda Bosch de Basea, lead author of the study.

The study included 641 mother-child pairs from the INMA Project birth cohorts in Sabadell and Gipuzkoa. Gestational phthalate exposure was analyzed using urine samples collected from the mothers during pregnancy. The children’s lung function was assessed by spirometry at various stages of development between the ages of four and eleven years.

As an indication of the ubiquity of these compounds, laboratory analyses detected all nine of the studied phthalate metabolites—i.e., substances into which phthalates are transformed once metabolized by the human body—in nearly 100% of the urine samples examined. At all stages of development, the studied metabolites were associated with decreases in two lung function parameters: forced vital capacity (FVC), which measures the maximum volume of air a person is able to exhale, and forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), which measures the maximum exhaled volume in the first second of exhalation. T

The researchers found that the associations between certain metabolites (e.g. MiBP and MBzP) and decreased lung function were generally statistically significant at younger ages, but not in spirometries performed in later years. This pattern is consistent with the findings of studies in animal models suggesting that the possible effects of these compounds on lung function revert over time.

Eating late increases hunger, decreases calories burned, and changes fat tissue

Brigham and Women’s Hospital, October 4, 2022

A new study by investigators from Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a founding member of the Mass General Brigham healthcare system, found that when we eat significantly impacts our energy expenditure, appetite, and molecular pathways in adipose tissue. Their results are published in Cell Metabolism.

“In this study, we asked, ‘Does the time that we eat matter when everything else is kept consistent?’” said first author Nina Vujović, Ph.D. “And we found that eating four hours later makes a significant difference for our hunger levels, the way we burn calories after we eat, and the way we store fat.”

Vujović, Scheer and their team studied 16 patients with a body mass index (BMI) in the overweight or obese range. Each participant completed two laboratory protocols: one with a strictly scheduled early meal schedule, and the other with the exact same meals, each scheduled about four hours later in the day. In the last two to three weeks before starting each of the in-laboratory protocols, participants maintained fixed sleep and wake schedules, and in the final three days before entering the laboratory, they strictly followed identical diets and meal schedules at home. In the lab, participants regularly documented their hunger and appetite, provided frequent small blood samples throughout the day, and had their body temperature and energy expenditure measured. To measure how eating time affected molecular pathways involved in adipogenesis, or how the body stores fat, investigators collected biopsies of adipose tissue from a subset of participants during laboratory testing in both the early and late eating protocols, to enable comparison of gene expression patterns/levels between these two eating conditions.

Results revealed that eating later had profound effects on hunger and appetite-regulating hormones leptin and ghrelin, which influence our drive to eat. Specifically, levels of the hormone leptin, which signals satiety, were decreased across the 24 hours in the late eating condition compared to the early eating conditions. When participants ate later, they also burned calories at a slower rate and exhibited adipose tissue gene expression towards increased adipogenesis and decreased lipolysis, which promote fat growth. Notably, these findings convey converging physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying the correlation between late eating and increased obesity risk.

“This study shows the impact of late versus early eating. Here, we isolated these effects by controlling for confounding variables like caloric intake, physical activity, sleep, and light exposure, but in real life, many of these factors may themselves be influenced by meal timing,” said Scheer. 

The immune system benefits from life in the countrysideAarhus University (Denmark), September 30, 2022Research from Aarhus University has demonstrated that exposure to a farming environment may prevent or dampen hypersensitivities and allergies — even in adultsAdults who move to farming areas where they experience a wider range of environmental exposures than in cities may reduce the symptoms of their hypersensitivities and allergies considerably. This is the result of new research from Aarhus University.This pioneering result was published online in the esteemed periodical, The Journal of Allergy and Clinical ImmunologyThe immune systems of people who work in farming are frequently exposed to a wide range of bacteria, fungi, pollen and other irritants which may trigger a response that protects them against hypersensitivity. Working in a farming environment may therefore serve to prevent or dampen hypersensitivity to the most widespread plant allergens: grass and birch pollen.Surprisingly, the positive effect on the immune system is seen both in people who have lived in urban environments and in adults who were born and raised in farming areas. But the real surprise is that the effect is not only seen in children:”Previously, the assumption was that only persons who had lived in farming areas while growing up would benefit from the environment’s protective effect on the immune system. But now we can demonstrate that it’s not too late simply because you are an adult,” says postdoc Grethe Elholm.It is, in other words, possible to affect the immune system and thereby the hypersensitivity which may cause allergy and allergic asthma − and what is more, this can be done at a much later point in life than previously assumed.

High Blood Pressure Linked To Faster Cognitive Decline, Dementia Risk

University of Michigan, October 1, 2022

High blood pressure, or hypertension, often causes people to feel perpetually stressed out or angry. Now, researchers from the University of Michigan say people with hypertension may also experience a faster deterioration in their cognitive abilities (thinking skills, decision making, memory) in comparison to those with normal blood pressure.

The team performed a “study of studies” focusing on high blood pressure’s association with declining brain function over a period of several years. They gathered and analyzed datasets collected for six large prior studies.

Originally, researchers set out to determine if fluctuations in long-term blood pressure control may somewhat explain why Hispanic Americans experience a 50-percent higher risk of developing dementia by the end of their lives in comparison to non-Hispanic white people living in the United States. Somewhat surprisingly, that study failed to produce a clear answer, as blood pressure-related cognitive decline appears to occur at about the same pace among Hispanics and Caucasians. Study authors conclude their work suggests other factors are at play regarding why Hispanics are generally more at risk of dementia.

Still, these findings make a strong case that blood pressure has a connection to cognitive outcomes later in life. Maintaining a healthy blood pressure level looks to protect thinking skills, study authors say.

“Our findings suggest that high blood pressure causes faster cognitive decline, and that taking hypertension medication slows the pace of that decline,” says lead study author Deborah Levine, M.D., M.P.H., director of the University of Michigan’s Cognitive Health Services Research Program and a professor of internal medicine at the U-M’s academic medical center, in a media release.

Researchers examined changes in the thinking and memory abilities among a group of adults (18+) who took part in six long-term studies conducted over the past five decades. Study authors enjoyed access to an average of eight years’ worth of data for each participant, including systolic blood pressure (the top number in any blood pressure reading).

The  data encompassed 22,095 non-Hispanic white adults and 2,475 Hispanic adults. None of the participants had any documented history of stroke or dementia at the time of enrollment. To start, average systolic blood pressure was lower among Hispanic adults in comparison to non-Hispanic white adults (132.5 mmHg compared with 134 mmHg). This is especially notable considering Hispanic adults in the study displayed an older average age than non-Hispanic adults (62 versus 54 years-old). Blood pressure readings tend to increase with age.

Among both Hispanics and non-Hispanics, the team observed the same pace of deteriorating thinking skills and memory linked to high blood pressure. However, when researchers focused solely on the two studies that had deliberately recruited Hispanics, they noted an undeniably faster decline in overall cognitive performance among Hispanics in comparison to the non-Hispanic white group. Importantly, though, blood pressure differences between those two groups didn’t appear to explain this cognitive decline difference. This may be due to Hispanic participants having lower blood pressure than non-Hispanic whites in these studies, researchers speculate.The study is published in the Journal of Alzheimer s Disease.